Amigurumi: Chibi Cat – WIP (Work in Progress)

Crochet Amigurumi Chibi Cat

Amigurumi: Crocheted chibi cat

Yesterday, I posted about my first amigurumi crocheted project. My daughter love cats, and so she asked me to make one for her.

Naturally I agreed, but was a bit puzzled on how I’d turn my first project into a kitty. Look at it, the head is oversized. It literally dwarfs the body. Last evening, I thought about this, while I was working on the arms and legs… Then it hit me! I could make a Chibi cat!

Chibi envy by nuhfanik d34ucmo

Because of this cats oversized head, it easily falls under the Chibi category. You’ll find Chibi’s in Manga (Japanese comics — which I absolutely adore!) Chibi’s are easily recognizable since their limbs are overly exaggerated. I wanted to make the arms and legs smaller, but my daughter wanted them to be ‘normal size’.

Finishing the crocheted amigurumi chibi cat

I still have a bit more to do on this Amigurumi chibi cat. A mouth needs to be added, I still need to crochet ears and a super long and skinny tail — but this being my first amigurumi project, I’m really pleased with how it’s progressing. Regarding the eyes, originally I was going to use buttons (or purchase eyes) for this project, but I opted to crochet the eyes instead. I made one slightly larger than the other, to add to its deformity.

There’s another reason I chose crocheted eyes… Remember when I wrote about The Mother Bear Project? Well… the more I thought about it, I realized that I don’t know how young some of the children might be that receive a hand crocheted or knitted bear. To be on the safe side, I think it’s wise for me to make the items out of fiber, so it won’t be a potential choking hazard. Some of the techniques I’m trying with this project (like the crocheted eyes) will be incorporated into the bears I crochet.

Crochet: No time for idle hands

Today, I’ll be volunteering at my daughters school. It’s open house, and so I’ll be greeting potential parents. I’ll be sure to bring along some yarn, crochet hooks, and perhaps a bit of fiberfill so I can create some more Chibi pets. I’m thinking I’ll make about 17. Once they’re completed, I’ll  hand them out to my daughters third grade class. Each school year I make some type of crafted item for her classmates.

My inspiration for this upcoming project comes from Nerdigurumi. I guess, you could say I’m already ahead of the game, since I’ve already made the heads. I made this this past weekend. I discovered her site this morning and have already liked her on Facebook. If you love Amigurumi, stop by the site and check out her adorable crocheted amigurumi critters.

Photo Source: Nuhfanik; Deviant Art

Amigurumi: First attempt; The making of cats

When it comes to art creation, my main form of creativity is fiber; cloth, yarn, natural and synthetic fibers…

Crochet Brian Crane Amigurumi (pronounced ah-mee-goo-roo-mee) has been occupying most of my weekend crochet time. This is fueled by my daughter’s love of stuffed animals, She’s requested that my first amigurumi project be a cat, and so I’ve managed to squeeze hours throughout this weekend to focus on it. I’ve decided to devote some of my crochet time into making amigurumi creatures for my daughter, and some others…


The word Amigurumi is Japanese, it means “stuffed toy.” The toys are crocheted or knitted. Pretty clever, right?

Crochet Amigurumi Cat 1

Making daughters amigurumi cat

As you can see from the above picture, my daughters amigurumi cat isn’t complete. Actually, I’ll be making two. The second will be smaller than this one. I didn’t follow a pattern, I just picked up a size G crochet hook, and started doing my own thing. No surprise, since when it comes to crafts (or cooking) I rarely follow directions.

I found the head and body was easy to make, although in hindsight I should have made the body more cylindrical in appearance. When I attempted to correct that ‘flaw’ my daughter told me, No! It appears she loves the round body.  I’ll make sure I do make corrections with some of my upcoming projects. My daughter is happy with how her kitty is progressing and is clamoring for me to finish.

The legs and arms were a bit of a challenge, until I started using a stitch marker (strip of yarn in another color) to make off my starting point. I believe I’ll remake the tail, since I think it should be slimmer than the legs. I still need to complete the arms.

Perfect timing: 12 for 12 in 2012; Charity

My interest in Amigurumi comes at an excellent time. I’ve mentioned The Mother Bear Project in a few posts, the crocheted and knitted bears that are created and sent to children in underdeveloped countries. My local yarn store, Lovely Yarns, supplies a pattern, but I’ve decided to make my own. I’ve already sketched out the design for that amigurumi bear, the only thing left is to make it. I’m getting my feet wet with the amigurumi cat, once that’s completed I’ll start working on the bear. I’ll be sure to post pictures of both completed projects.

This post should have been posted yesterday, since I’m participating in the 12 for 12 in 2012 Charity Crochet project. Head on over to Kathryn’s crochet blog, to see who else is participating in this project.  This weekend, I haven’t been online as much. I’ve been spending time with my daughter, and working on the above amigurumi project.

I realize that everyone isn’t like myself, and might want instructions before they attempt to dive into Amigurumi, and so I’ve included a few links below, enjoy!

Amigurumi Resources

  1. Amigurumi tutorial
  2. Amigurumi: How to make fuzzy amigurumi

Photo Source: Crochet Spot

WIP Wednesday; Chunky hat and slippers



Today is Work in Progress Wednesday!

Although it’s the first time I’m posting about it here on Celebrate Life, there’s always a project that I’m working with. I’m sure that statement is true for many crafters.

Crochet Chunky Hat Nephew 1

Crochet Chunky Hat Nephew 2

WIP – I need to add a tassel to the hat, still unsure what I’m going to add to the slippers.

Currently, my crochet projects, aren’t too elaborate. I’ve been crocheting for about a month or so. My  WIP Wednesday for Tami’s Ami and other CreationsAmbassador Crochet and Ginny of Small Things.

The chunky crocheted hat and slippers I’m creating for my four-year old nephew. I used Lion Brand Yarn; Hometown USA in Tampa Spice. I’m really impressed with how soft this acrylic yarn is, and it’s washable which should make my sister in law happy. I prefer natural fibers, but have been using  mostly acrylic while I try out new stitches.

As you can see, I’m almost finished! I’m including a tassel on the hat, and the slippers still seem to be missing something… The good news is this project will be completed today, I’m including a hand-crafted Angry Birds card with his gift, and then his package will be on its way. I can see him wearing the slippers, but a winter hat

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A new year, more volunteering opportunities: Charity; 12 for 12 in 2012

I’m not one to make resolutions for the new year. I have various short and long-term goals; in this case some of my newer goals just happened to coincide with 2012. The reason is simple, my crochet skills have improved to the point where I can now make items for others, and so some of the crochet projects I’ve been itching to become involved with are now a reality.

You might be wondering what 12 for 12 in 2012 is about. Well, as the title states it’s for charity. Many thanks to Kathryn, crochet blogger, the talented author at Crochet Concupiscence for coming up with this fabulous idea.

As some of my readers already know, I already craft for charity; Machine sewn quilts created by my local church quilting group are donated to Lutheran World Relief. I also volunteer at a local homeless shelter,  monthly. I prepare morning breakfast for our guests. They are fed between 5:30 and 7:00 each day.


Namibia header


The Mother Bear Project


Back in December 2011, I talked about The Mother Bear Project. The Mother Bear Project is a fabulous organization that donates hand crocheted and knitted bears to children in other countries. From their site…

The Mother Bear Project is dedicated to providing comfort and hope to children affected by HIV/AIDS in emerging nations, by giving them a gift of love in the form of a hand-knit or crocheted bear. 

The simple gift of a hand-knit bear with a tag signed by the knitter has touched children with the message that they are unconditionally loved.

FADROWSKI and shon



Helping Kids at Johns Hopkins

I recently discovered this group. The group founder lost her daughter, Gabrielle, in June 2008. I can’t even imagine outliving my daughter. Six times per year, there are various projects that are listed. for January/February the project is a blanket. This upcoming project gives me the perfect excuse to purchase yarn, and take time to create an adorable afghan for some deserving child in the Pediatric intensive Care Unit.


Volunteer 1 3 12

Volunteering: How can I help?

The balls in your court, think about ways you can help others. It doesn’t have to be a craft, perhaps you can give your time, donate material, or money to assist a non-profit organization.

Having worked in the non-profit sector, I can tell you that every single bit helps. There are so many places looking for assistance, but not as many people are willing to turn their intentions into actions. If possible, find time to help those in need. If you’re in the United States and are unsure of what opportunities are in your area, check out Volunteer Match. If you are in another country (or like to assist in other countries) check out the Global Volunteer Network.

If you’d like to participate in Kathryrn’s charity crochet project. Write a post about it, and link back to her site.

Photo Source

Happy hooker: Crocheted my first (human) hat

Crocheted Hat 1 12 27 11

Today, I made my first human crocheted item, a gold hat for my daughter. If you closely look, you might see a bit of pink yarn tied into this crocheted hat. I tend to use bits of yarn as stitch markers.

This hat isn’t completed. I’ll be edging it with pink yarn. Perhaps I’ll add some embellishments? Crocheted flowers would be nice… this hat is for my daughter and though she’s a tomboy — she loves her outfits to be very ‘girly’.

Regarding this hat… a few mistakes were made, but I was able to correct them. I cannot tell you what stitches were used besides the chain hook, single crochet, and a row or two of double crochet. The reason is simple, I let my fingers and hook explore, and tried out a few variations with my crochet hook and this is the crochet stitch that appeared. I used a few variations throughout this crocheted hat project. It sure was a lot of fun. It will be interesting to come back to this piece after I’ve been crocheting for a while. Later this week, I’ll try to do a search and see what’s it’s called. I’ve seen it before, I just don’t know the name. Anyway, I thought this stitched worked well with the hat. It was simple to do, and I liked the lace-like pattern it created.

Crocheting: Doing my own thing

When it comes to crafts, I learn best by simply doing my own thing. Getting acquainted with the artsy vibe of whatever medium I’m working with. After I’ve satisfied that itch, everything falls into place, and I find listening to the experts talk about the craft isn’t hard.You would think since I know what works best for myself, I would have bypassed the books I picked up on crochet, right? Nope, didn’t happen…. I searched Youtube for crochet videos, and even acquired books from the library. Although I did glance over them, and some of the videos (and books) were well written, it didn’t make much sense to me until I explored on my own.

My daughters Monster High dolls now have competition, since I’m slowly starting to make crocheted garments for people.

Did you know that some crocheters call themselves ‘hookers’? It makes sense when you think about it, since a crochet hook is used. When I first heard the term “happy hooker” applied to someone who crochets. I admit I chuckled a bit, since I thought it meant something else entirely.

Crochet: Basic Beanie hat for Monster High doll; Frankie Stein

Monster High doll Frankie Stein Crocheted Hat

Yesterday, I posted a picture of a crocheted hat I’d made for the Monster High dollDraculaura, she’s a Monster High doll.

That hat was actually a crocheted square. I sewed three corners together to make it into a hat. I mentioned that I didn’t feel confident enough to make a proper hat. Well… the more I thought about that comment, the more I realized I was just being silly, and so this morning I searched for a hat video. I found one, but I simply couldn’t follow the directions, since the Youtube instructor was going too fast. It’s not the same Youtube lady I posted about yesterday. Crochet’s videos are really good.

Crocheting without a pattern

Today, I made a proper hat for Frankie Stein,  another one of my daughter’s Monster High dolls. I had some free time, and crocheted the hat. I have several of these hats, that I wear during the cold months. It’s nice to keep my locks protected from the elements, now and again and what better way to do that then rock them with a funky beanie hat. I’m absolutely thrilled that I crocheted a miniature beanie hat for one of my daughter’s dolls.

Crocheting this hat wasn’t a smooth process… I made a few mistakes. The majority was caught, and so I was able to pull the stitches out and redo, but others I didn’t see until after I was completed. It’s all good though. I’m now using a row marker, and I’m making a point to count the rows. Something, I’ve been avoiding doing — until now. Perhaps as I progress, I won’t have to do it as much?

Clothing design

As a child, I didn’t have too many dolls. They didn’t interest me. The only time I gave them any attention was to clothe them in the various designs I’d created. I started sewing at eight years of age, and continue today. Over the years, some of my work has been featured in local fashion shows, and a few of my designs have graced some local boutiques too. In late teens through twenties, I made the majority of my clothing and often received comments about where I’d purchased the outfits I wore, since they hadn’t seen them anywhere. That was a perfect opportunity to market myself.

I already have a lot of crocheted designs, I’d love to make, but until my skill catches up with my ideas, they simmer on the back burner — a bit longer.

Beginner Crochet: Completed hat and cape for Monster High doll; Draculaura

Monster High Draculaura

Since I’ve gotten back into crocheting, I haven’t made too many items, but I’ve decided to show the one above. I used three stitches with this ensemble; Crochet chain, single crochet, and double crochet. My gauge is still off, as can be seen in the ‘crocheted hat’ it’s not a lace crochet pattern, but look at how ‘holey’ it is! 🙂  I know in time I will get better. I just have to keep practicing.

You want to know something?  This past Sunday, when I started crocheting, I wasn’t planning on making an outfit, I just wanted to practice crocheting… However, as the rows accumulated, I thought about Draculaura (one of my daughters Monster High dolls) and I realized that the pale pink yarn would compliment her outfit, makeup, and skin tone. I now had a crochet project!

My crochet skills are limited, because of this I’m not making anything fancy, at least not yet. In reality, the hat, and cape are crocheted squares. To make the hat, I stitched three corners together with a tapestry needle (using the same yarn). While I realize I can make a proper hat (stitching in a circular pattern) I haven’t become confident enough to do so. In time I will. The cape is a larger square. I simply attached a flower button to one end, and a yarn loop on the other side.

I was planning on wrapping this up and adding it to the pile of handcrafted gifts that are under our Christmas tree, but instead I gave it to my daughter. She was so excited about her early Christmas gifts that she immediately clothed Draculaura in her new outfit. I quickly crocheted some hair ribbons using the same yarn (which I hadn’t made at the time I took this picture) and my daughter put her dolls hair in two ponytails.

I’m sewing clothes for some of my daughters dolls, and I’ve decided to add crochet trim, to some of the outfits for Draculaura. I should be finished that today, I’ll wrap them up in one of the “clothing trunks” I made for a few of her dolls, and slip the completed items (wrapped of course) under the Christmas tree.

Beginning Crochet Videos

If you’re interested in learning crochet, I’d suggest you check out Youtube videos created by Crochet. She has some informative crochet videos including videos on beginning crochet stitches. I really enjoy them since they walk me through the entire process.

Mrs. G, from my quilting group was kind enough to show me several crochet stitches. However she’s not always available, and so I can refer to the YouTube videos, when I need assistance with crochet.