Although I learned how to crochet when I was eight-years old, it’s something I didn’t actively do until at the end of last year. One of the ladies, from my quilting group, showed me several stitches, but she went so fast…. it didn’t stick.
Upon arriving home I logged onto YouTube and discovered YouTube user Geek Crochet, she also uses the name Crochet. What’s great about her videos is part of them are done in slow motion, which is perfect for those who might need to see the stitch done at a slower place.
I’ve included the videos in comments now and again, but I’ve decided to dedicate an entire post to her videos. Check out and enjoy!
Video Tutorial: How to make the crochet chain
Video Tutorial: How to make the single crochet
For those who want to learn more, check out more of YouTube user, Crochet’s, beginning crochet videos.