Wordless Wednesday – Friday Addition: Insect Inspection


My daughters insect inspection
Tomorrow is going to be extremely busy, and so I decided to toss up my Wordless Wednesday- Friday addition, one day early.

Earlier today, while we were in our back yard, my daughter found some insects that fascinated her. She bent down to take a closer look. She chattered excitedly about the flurry of activity going on at the anthill, and I snapped the above photo.

When I was around my daughters age, I started reading a lot about ants. They really fascinated me, and at times I would watch them for hours.

Ants are amazing creatures, did you know that…


Hey Mommy, come here!
I really like that she is fascinated with insects (just like her mommy.) A few years ago, I purchased the book Insects: Their Natural History and Diversity. Thanks to that book (which is well over 700 pages) we’re able to identify a lot of insects. Which is perfect for our insect hunts.

Pop by Wordless Wednesday, Friday addition to view other participants.


Technorati Tags:
Moondancer, Photography, Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – Thursday Edition: Blackberry Blossoms


Blackberry Blossoms
Ok, so this post isn’t wordless. I never could hold to the Wordless part of Wordless Wednesday, forgive me?

The above picture was taken about an hour ago. My daughter and I were outside checking out the garden. She excitedly pointed at our blackberry bush and said, “Oh mommy, look at the blackberries!” I was happy to see the green blackberries. I cannot wait for them to ripen. I use them in a variety of healthy recipes; Smoothies, ice creams, salads, muffins, and main dishes too.

There are many ways I celebrate life, and one way is taking pictures. I enjoy capturing photos of whatever interests me. Surprisingly, at times, some of the photos interest others too.

I became fascinated with photography as a child, even have a few old cameras. As a child, it seemed I always had a camera in my hand, and was always snapping pictures. In my early twenties I took a break from picture taking, and it was unnatural. I felt naked without one of my cameras and returned to it with a vengeance. Naturally that means I have a digital darkroom at our home, and a few times a week (after my daughter is sleeping) you’ll find me there.

I’m still kicking myself for not snagging an old camera I found when I was visiting Gamla Stan – The Old Town, while I was in Sweden.

A few years ago, I created a website based solely on my photography. Learned a lot, took chances, picked the brain of many photographers I have respect for, and surprisingly enough sold a few pictures too. However, I mainly give them away to family/friends.

I’ve been an active participant with Wordless Wednesday, with many of my other websites and so it only makes sense to add Celebrate Life! into the mix too, right? Outdoor Wednesday is new for myself, and I look forward to meeting the other participants.

Although I take a lot of different types of photos, the majority of the photos you’ll see on this site will be nature or food based.


Technorati Tags:
Moondancer, Wordless Wednesday, Photography