The great outdoors… here we come!

Tomorrow, my daughter and her sixth grade class we’ll be on a camping trip; it’s part of their outdoor learning adventures. You know, taking the class outdoors? I’m all for this type of learning and it’s something that a few of my teachers did regularly when I was in grade school.

Today, after work/school, we’ll be going down the checklist, making last minute preparations before the big day tomorrow. My daughter has three bags packed for three days!  She clearly does not need that many bags so I’ll consolidate and cast aside the items she really does not need. Can you tell I’m looking forward to that task? 😉

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Can’t wait to hear about the camping trip! I know you will have a good time! I hope you have good weather for it!
Jennifer recently posted..Veggies & Shells with Cashew Cheese


Take care. Bet you and you girl will have a ball of a time. Have fun!
suituapui recently posted..Next time…