Three day weekend; Mother/daughter time…

I’m so looking forward to this weekend and hanging out with my daughter.


I do have off Monday, in honor of Martin Luther King’s birthday. His official birthday is, January 15. My daughter and I have already filled our weekend with plenty of things to keep us busy.

Her website has been still for a bit, while her attention has been focused on her school work. I’m pleased to say that she made Honor Roll again this past quarter and only received one B+, the rest of her grades were A’s.

Naturally, I’ll be stepping away from most things technology related. My daughter needs more hang out time with mom and who am I to deny her that? I’m thrilled that she loves being around me as much as I enjoy hanging with her.

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I just came across this song yesterday. Tugged at my heart strings, beautiful!
suituapui recently posted..See you sometimeโ€ฆ


YAY for mother/daughter time ๐Ÿ™‚
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