Vegan: Teff porridge

Earlier today, I made Teff for my daughter and myself.

Teff porridge with bananas, blueberries, and walnuts


Teff originated in Ethiopia and is a tiny seed that you can cook and eat like a porridge. I’ve seen it made in numerous other ways such as cookies, crackers and also in combination with meats and vegetables. To this dish, I added a chopped banana, blueberries, and I crushed up some walnuts. In addition, I ground cardamom, fennel seeds (from our garden), and cinnamon.  The results? My daughter really enjoyed this dish. The sweetness was provided by the fruits that were added to the dish and of course the freshly ground spices.


Teff is loaded with health benefits a few of them is that it is a great source of iron, calcium and it can help keep our bowels regular.

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Jennifer Bliss

For some reason I thought I already commented on this one a few days ago! So sorry! I remember reading it! This looks great (eventho you know I’m not a banana fan! LOL) – I adore the Ethiopian foods I have tried thus far and can’t want to try more!
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