Vegetable noodle stir fry; A bit of this and that…

Last evenings dinner was a lazy meal for us. I tossed a few ingredients in the wok and my daughter ate it quickly.

Vegetable noodle stir fry
Vegetable noodle stir fry


I’m not sure what I call this dish… perhaps a vegetable noodle stir fry?

I fried an egg in a little bit of olive oil in my wok. After the egg was done,   I added diced garlic, ginger, and chopped broccoli and cauliflower. I let that cook for a few minutes and then added the wheat free pasta. My daughter loved this simple dish and has already put in a request for it again later this week.

I have a picture to share, since I remembered to take a picture before  I served the food.  I usually remember after the food has been eaten by my daughter. She comes back for seconds and sometimes thirds.  Since she’s skinny, I ask her, where are you putting that food? She has a high metabolism, just like me.


Mung bean sprouts
Mung bean sprouts


Look, the sprouts are coming along nicely. We sprout a variety of seeds, but these are mung beans. Sprouts are a favorite in our household. We mainly eat them raw.

Black Sheep: The Choice is Yours

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Nice StirFry! I have NEW Coconut Aminos I want to use and will prob do a Stirfry this week!

The Sprouts are looking awesome! I did a pre-post about my next Sprout Adventure, today, actually! I think I might use some sprouting seeds I have on hand as a test before using the ones that came with the kit! 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Juice Time Tuesdays, Lush Nuts – Original, Sprouting Kits, Near Future Plans


That looks so good. Not surprised that your girl wants more. Somehow, kids love noodles…or at least, most of them.
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