Video: Crazy… this is not Patsy Cline

Several months ago, I stumbled upon the video that I’m sharing below. Guess what? Yesterday, I could not locate the video. A friend posted “bad singing videos on my FB page,” and it started a compilation of all these bad singers. I mentioned the video below and also mentioned I was unable to locate the video. Well guess what? Facebook friend was able to find that video and he shared it on my Facebook page.

If you actually make it to the end, you will see he actually does have a great voice. Shortly after the 3:00 minute mark he sings “normal” aka just like Elvis” for a few seconds before lapsing back into the screaming.

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Oh geez! Eeeeeek!
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan MoFo ~ Weird Food Combo


LOL!!! He may end up having a hit record, we’ll never know – some of the singers these days are just as bad, if not worse.
suituapui recently posted..Over the weekend…