Vintage pattern; Vogue 8875

Vogue 8875
Vogue 8875

My mom had a lot of patterns from the 1960s…

If I look I might find some of them in my possession. One pattern that I was thrilled to see re-released was Vogue 8875.

Apparently Vogue didn’t keep files of some of their vintage patterns and so they asked folks to share some of their patterns with them so they could be re-released.

Isn’t this style lovely? These type of designs never seem to go out of style. I’m not much for trendy, but I do love classic pieces such as the one above.

Will I make this? I’ve made similar… and I’m tempted to make another outfit, but most likely if I did something such as this, I’d make the coat a bit longer and pair it with flowing wide legged pants and fitted sleeveless top. I most definitely wouldn’t wear the hat.

Asos Platform Heels
Asos Platform Heels


Besides changing the color of the outfit, the shoes I’d choose would have a chunkier heel but they’d most likely be about the same height.

Vintage pattern Vogue 8875
Vintage pattern Vogue 8875


Here’s the original pattern. It’s the same pattern, but the re-released pattern was ‘modernized’.

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You know I LOVE hats, but, I don’t think I would wear that one either 🙂 I’m not a fan of ‘white’ anything…I rarely wear it. I would probably kill myself in those shoes! LOL The photos are wonderful and I do like the style but I’m not sure if I could pull it off…wish I could, tho! I do like that shade of Green tho!!!! I bet what ever you come up with I will LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!
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I totally agree with you! I don’t wear dressy hats either! Just knit/crocheted, fun/funny ones, and ball caps!
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curls and q

Q – I bet they are modernized – to our “modern” sizes. I can distinctly remember when sewing as a kid in the 60’s when the first size modifications were made. LOL! I do remember this pattern. I don’t have mom’s sewing patterns from then, but I have her knitting patterns! What a hoot!
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