Weaving a woolen scarf with my rigid heddle loom; 32″ Kromski Harp

Patons Classic Wool (felts wonderfully) and the cotton yarn; Sugar N Creme  (I love using that for crocheted, knitted and now woven cloths) are the only two yarns that I purchase from Michaels.

Early yesterday morning, when I was online, I noticed that Michaels was having a sale on their Patons Classic Wool! I was there when the store opened at 9:00 a.m. In fact, I was the first one in the store.  I purchased about six skeins of wool yarn. I would have purchased more, but it was slim pickings. I imagine that was because there were only a few days left of the sale.

Last evening, after the skeins had been rewound,  I warped my 32″ Kromski Harp.

Warping rigid heddle Loom_2.2.1.14
Warping my kromski while wearing my favorite sweatshirt. It has bleach spots on it, but it’s something I love to wear around the house.

And shortly afterwards I was weaving. This marks my fourth weaving project. The past few days, I’ve been itching to weave with my 32″ Kromski Harp, but I’ve been preoccupied with my beadweaving adventures.

Rigid Heddle Loom weaving_1.1.1.14
Partially woven scarf

With this weaving project, I did something a bit different… I used a different weight (DK weight)  yarn from my stash,  for the weft. I used worsted weight for the warp yarn. The weft is the fiber is drawn through the warp yarn to create cloth. What you can’t see is the shimmer that the weft yarn brings to this cloth. It shot with silver thread and when it hits the light it gives off a bit of shimmer.

And while I normally don’t keep projects, this one was specifically done for myself. Each time I weave I’m seeing improvements. It won’t be long before I start using some of my expensive yarns for my woven projects.

Initial thoughts on the 32″ Kromski Harp

I really love this loom. To be fair, I don’t have much to go on since this is my only cloth loom.  Give me a few years, and I’m sure I can add more to this since I plan on acquiring at least one floor loom and perhaps a lap loom (so I can easily take and weave during some of my daughters after school activities.)

Nevertheless, I’m pleased with my purchase and can see myself weaving many cloth projects.

Kromski.ratchet and prawl set

A minor quibble, I do wish the the ratchet and prawls were metal instead of hard plastic and I also would have liked to have had a video included with my purchase. However, there are plenty of videos available on YouTube.

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Nice. Needs a lot of patience, I’m sure.
suituapui recently posted..The usual…


How fun! Also enjoyed the photo of your hair! Awesome!
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