Didn’t I tell you that I’d fix my loom weaving issues?
And now this is playing in my head…
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
Eh eh, eh eh
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
eh eh, eh eh
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
I thought I told you that I won’t stop
Check it out
Yesterday, while my daughter had her play date, I pulled out my 32″ harp rigid heddle loom and started weaving… correctly. The reason why I had the big pile of unwoven yarn (a few days ago) was because I was moving the heddle from the up to the neutral position. I should have pulled the heddle to the down position.Since I kept the heddle in netural position, that meant the yarn wasn’t being crossed and so no weaving was going on. I knew this on the day of the weaving fail, but I just did not have time to fix the issue. It was late and I really needed to get to bed.
I will say the first day was a teachable moment, for my daughter. She saw the warp fail and she also could see how I was handling the situation. I did not give up. I told her tomorrow was another day and I’d fix the issue then. She thinks I did a really great job for my first piece. I think so to. I’ll definitely keep my first woven project so I can come back to it later after I’ve been weaving for some time. I know I’ll see improvements.
Today, while my daughter and I are having a creative time together. I think I’ll weave some washcloths. That is, after I finish knitting my father’s lined thrummed hat.
Biggie Smalls: We Won’t Stop
These colors look wonderful together! LOVE the song choice, too!
Jennifer recently posted..Marinated Cucumber Tomato Hemp Seed Salad, Butternut Squash Lentil Walnut Kale Curry, Today’s Lunch!
@Jennifer, Thanks, while this has a lot of flaws it’s a keeper. 😉 I tend to keep my first projects with the various crafts I’ve done.
Aynaria recently posted..32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom; Unbeweavably awesome