The school nurse called (twice) today but I didn’t hear the phone ring. I was too busy sleeping.
More on why I was sleeping later…
It appears my daughter was throwing up in school, most likely a stomach virus, and so she was sent to the nurses office. My daughter’s now at home. As soon as I received the message, I was out the door to pick her up from our Lutheran school. It doesn’t appear to be major. I’ve seen this before, but the nurse wants her to stay home tomorrow, and she will.
Sleeping the day away
Admittedly, it’s not something I have the luxury to do, and I rarely need a nap, but today I did, since I didn’t get much sleep last night…
Why? Today’s the day, when I volunteer at the homeless shelter. I enjoy this ministry offered by our Lutheran church, and thus far, since attending the church, I’ve been able to volunteer every month. It’s a great chance to interact with those whom I’m serving breakfast too, but more on my homeless shelter experience in a later post.
My internal alarm…
I’m usually awake by 4:00, it’s just how I’m wired, but if my mind knows I have to be somewhere early; it will keep ‘waking me’ every hour (after I’ve gone to sleep) so I won’t oversleep. You get the picture? Since my mind knew I had to be somewhere by 5:15, it triggered my body to wake up early. So no… I didn’t get a lot of sleep.
In hindsight, I should have had the phone by my bedside, but it was downstairs where I couldn’t hear, it. Since I couldn’t hear it, I didn’t even hear the phone ring. <sighs>
I feel terrible that I missed the call
I slept only an hour, but I still feel awful that I missed those two calls, but I was at the school, ten minutes after I got that message.
I’ll be working on my client’s projects after she sleeps, and in the wee hours of morning? In doing so, I can spend most of my time with her tomorrow.
My bad sleep days are generally the night before going back to work and the night before heading out on a big trip. I started back to work, didn’t sleep well the night before and woke up super early. I stayed with my exercise routine, just shifted it to after work instead of in the morning, so by Friday evening, I wasn’t exhausted — and then I didn’t sleep well that night.
I hope your daughter recovers well.
Mike recently posted..Things that go better with coke.
Hi @Mike, Thanks for the well wishes, she seems to be doing much better, only one incident at home. The nurse wanted her to stay home today, and she will. However, if she continues to improve, she’ll be going to her piano lesson this afternoon.
I’m the same way with trips, I don’t sleep to much the night before.
Aynaria recently posted..Sad days; spring break is over…
[…] That can be overwhelming, and it shows just how popular these little critters are. I was one of those folks, who was out of the loop for a while. Anyway, It was hard to weed through all those patterns, but I was finally able to do it yesterday, while my daughter was resting. […]
I also had the same experience. Alarms are no use for me, instead of waking up it keeps me more sleepy when I stop it, kind of weird.