Yeah! Crocheted bookworm bookmarks were a hit

Today, was “Mom’s day” at my daughter’s Lutheran school. Mothers, were invited to stop by for 45 minutes to attend their children’s class. Of course, I stopped by. I always do… but today was different, I came bearing gifts, simple to make but so cute; bookworm bookmarks.

Crocheted bookworm bookmarks

The crocheted bookworm bookmarks were featured in my works in progress from last week; it was nice to hear the excited outbursts of the children, when my daughter’s teacher showed them to the rest of the class. However due to the fact that it was near the end of the day, she told them they would be able to choose their bookmarks tomorrow.

There’s 15 children in my daughter’s third grade class, I made enough that they can choose two. I already know that several of them like to read How cool is that. I’m just happy that I am able to share some of my crafts with others.

Acts 20:35

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

35 In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

I’ve always enjoyed sharing with others, I must say I had some excellent role models, my parents did a lot of sharing when my brother and I were growing up, often to complete strangers in need.

Those acts of kindness left an impact on myself, and throughout my life it’s inspired me to share with others.

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[…] tested (over the past seven months) have been added to my Christmas list, a few, like the crocheted bookworm bookmarks, were given to my daughter and her classmates, and others were donated to various local charities […]


[…] I crocheted for her several months ago. I was inspired by the crocheted swirly twirly scarf and the crocheted bookworm bookmarks… and I came up with this. Girls getting pampered at the birthday […]


[…] are equally impressed and want me to make things for them. Last year I made her classmates crocheted bookworm bookmarks and they loved them! Plenty of readers were in the third grade, and it seems there are a lot of […]


[…] the gown, I’m making items for her classmates. A few years ago I made crocheted bookmarks and yes, most of those classmates are still there. They think of me as the “crafty […]