Although it’s been quiet on my websites, I’ve been extremely active in real life. Since April, I’ve taken a break from most things technology related (that isn’t related to work) and just focused on spending time with my daughter, my crafts, exercise, and hammering out some mid and long-term goals. I haven’t been on Facebook since April, admittedly although I’d post there throughout the week, it wasn’t a place where I hung out and once my daughter’s homeschool co-op had ended, there wasn’t any reason to log onto the website. The homeschool co-op that we’re affiliated with, posts all their activities on Facebook, I’d much prefer them sending me an email since it’d mean that I would not have to log in there at all, but that’s their rules. I’d make the occasional Instagram post, but I mainly posted on there because my daughter goes by a pseudonym there. It’s an outlet she uses to promote her artwork. My daughter and I take regular technology breaks, but the past several months we’ve taken a huge pull away from it and we like that very much.
Soon, I’ll be purchasing mountain bikes for the both of us so that we can have another way to exercise. Fitness is extremely important and it’s something that my daughter and I engage in regularly. Since my last post, I now have two handknit garter-stitch afghans and I’m working on a third. I’m knitting a log cabin blanket. That will take some time to complete since I’m knitting several blocks, that will be joined to make the blanket.
The garden is thriving. I’ll have to post pictures. The majority of our food comes directly from the garden. As mentioned many times before, we mainly eat whole-foods, so we eat very little processed or flour based products.