Initially, I started making small crocheted rounds, to serve as facial scrubs. Although I don’t use them on my face — I just use a washcloth. I know a few people who do purchase those tiny discs to cleanse their face.
Which got me thinking… Wouldn’t it be great if I made them some reusable discs? It’d be environmentally friendly, and save them some money too, since they’d just have to toss the crocheted discs into the laundry. Of course someone that of this too. They’re called ‘crochet scrubbies’ .
While making my ‘scrubbies’ I thought how neat it would make an afghan out of all those tiny circles. A few days ago, I discovered what I was calling ‘crochet rounds’ were also known as ‘Crocheted Yo-Yo’s’. I discovered this term, when I was searching for ‘circle afghans’. I didn’t find too much on that, but after some digging via the Google search engine I stumbled upon, ‘Crochet Yo-Yo’s’.
…and that’s how I learned about a Crocheted Yo-Yo afghan!
Of course after I made numerous discs, I stumbled upon a Crocheted Afghan tutorial. I’ve listed them below, enjoy!