Father’s day is this Sunday. My how the time has flown. Unlike Mothers Day, I dont have items completed a few weeks in advance.
For some reason I was thinking it was later in the month, but that’s not true, since my daughters choir will be performing in church on Fathers day which is this Sunday.
I was a bit puzzled at what to do for my father. He’s low maintenance, and doesn’t make too many demands. But, the more I thought about it, I realized that he’d most likely appreciate a cover for his Bible.
It might sound simple or insignificant to some, but those people don’t know my father. He studies the Bible daily, and knows more than anyone else I know; Not just from the scriptural standpoint, but the historical aspect also. I enjoy our conversations about the Bible, since I usually learn something new not so much from a Biblical perspective, since I’ve read the Bible several times, but I learn a lot about the people/locations from a historical standpoint. He uses reference books to accompany his studies.
Video Tutorial: How to knit cable stitch with a cable needle
I do believe I’ll knit the Bible cover, and will use a cable stitch. Cable’s are stitches that are knitted out of order. The result is beautiful, and adds a touch of elegance to a knitted project. I’m sure he’d like the cover. A few months ago, I started crocheting a Kindle Fire cover for him, and I believe I’ll finish so I can give it to him this coming Sunday. A few days ago a reader emailed me for information on cables. And so I logged onto YouTube and stumbled upon this informative video.
Video Tutorial: How to knit a cable stitch without a cable needle
Although I can make cables without using a cable knitting needle, I tend to use them because I’m paranoid about something happening to ruin my pretty cables.
This is my 300th post on Celebrate Life. I have a ways to go before I catch up with my last personal site that had about 5,000 posts, but to be fair that site was around for almost four years, and this site is only two years old. In fact, for about a year on this site, I didn’t post anything.
The knitted hats for my daughter and I are being put on hold, while I work on completing the covers for my father, during my down time.
What a great idea! I would love to do something like that for my mom, but there is the little problem of not knowing how to knit, and not having proper time to learn how in this season of my life. By season, I mean summer, and might give it a shot this winter. 😉
DragonLady recently posted..Meeting goals
@DragonLady, After I settled upon the book cover for his gift, I could have kicked myself for not thinking about it sooner. It’s one thing I know he’d like, but because of the Bible’s size it hasn’t been easy.
Don’t give up when you attempt knitting. I cant knit as fast as I can crochet, but I do enjoy knitting. I’ve been knitting for 33 years. Once you get over the I want to shove these needles somewhere and finally get it, it can be extremely relaxing. If I’m facing something challenging, or need brain stimulation I pick up my hook, or my needles, and do a few rows. It’s my “happy place” so it works.
That IS a great idea!! Very nice!
Jennifer recently posted..Jasmine Oolong Tea from Driftwood Tea
Thanks @Jennifer, Now I’ll have to help my daughter pick out something for him. For the day also. Of course she’ll make him a “granddaddy’s day” card. Yes, I know there’s a grandparent’s day, but she recognizes my parents on this day also.
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[…] my fathers knitted Bible cover is complete, and the hats have been finished; I’ll cast on the Monster High tote […]
Yup – time is flying and Father’s Day is almost here. I think the Bible cover is a great idea since it is something he will use and will protect his bible. I know how attached people get to their old worn bibles! LOL. They are much more comfortable than a new one, that is for sure. I used to try and make gifts for all the holidays and birthdays but I stopped because it was stressing me out how quickly they would come upon me. So now I make what I want and put it aside when it is done and have it for the next time. That’s just what works for me because I need to keep stress levels down. I’m a stress puppy and it discouraged me when I couldn’t keep up with everything. But you seem to be doing well, just be careful not to get burned out! I want to continue seeing all your great items!
Hi @teeni, This is one of his newer Bibles. My brother and sister in law bought it for him this past Christmas time. While I know he’d prefer one of his reference Bibles for church, he uses this one because they bought it for him. 🙂
Oh I won’t get burned out; I regularly rotate between various crafts. When I think, I’ve done too much with one; I’ll focus on another. Why do you think knitting is in the forefront lately? I’m still crocheting, but spending almost five months exclusively on one craft (crochet) was a lot, but the result is a have a very good understanding on crochet, and am not ashamed to gift someone or donate an item I’ve made.
With crafting I tend to make items well in advance, but Father’s Day sort of sprang up on me. Which is understandable, my daughter is home, so I have more time with her. Also my business websites and clients projects are growing. I’m busy. Which is a good thing, since that means more pay.
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[…] a great time in South Carolina, I’m working on a cable knitted purse. Recently I wrote about knitting using the cable stitch. Cable and ridge stitch are some of my favorite knitting stitches. I’m still unsure of who […]