Freshly Milled Flour and Homemade Pizza

This past Friday, I told my daughter I would make her homemade pizza this weekend, and I made it yesterday.

While I did want to use our Ooni outdoor pizza oven, I thought it was a bit too chilly for that, so I settled for my baking steel. I used hard winter wheat berries and ground 4.5 cups of freshly milled flour using my Mockmill Professional 200.

Results? My daughter loved the pizza. I made enough dough for two pizzas, and I’ll make the other pizza later this week.

There’s only one slice of pizza left from yesterday. My daughter ate most of it.

Volunteering: Three-Day Weekend

I’m looking forward to this weekend. Why? I’ll be sewing! It’s been several months since I’ve sewn anything. Now that I think about it, it might be over a year since I’ve used my sewing machines. Hmm… my, how the time has flown by. What will I be sewing? Binky’s! I’m making them for a beautiful organization called Binky Patrol.

From their website…

We are an all-volunteer, national, non-profit organization making and distributing homemade blankets to children born drug-addicted, infected with AIDS or who are battling other chronic & terminal illnesses, homeless, victims of violent crimes, those who are abused, in foster care, or experiencing trauma of any kind.

I learned about them through the company where I work. My company actively encourages employees to volunteer, even granting their employees one paid day (eight hours) yearly to volunteer. How awesome is that? I have plenty of fleece fabric available. However, I think I’ll purchase some more fabric this weekend, and I’m looking forward to spending several hours creating binkies for those in need.

Third week back at work

My goodness, where has the time gone? It’s my third week back at work, and I’m slowly returning to my routine. I’m still having a few issues with some applications that I thought worked fine; however, when I attempted to use them for specific procedures, I quickly discovered something wasn’t right. That should be addressed when I return to work on Monday. Since I’m 100% remote, I don’t have too far to go to begin my work day.


It’s about that time to get ready for the planting season, and so within the next few weeks, I’ll be starting my seeds indoors in preparation for moving them outside once the weather doesn’t drop below freezing and as much as I did last year, I do believe I’ll be able to do even more this spring, and I’m excited about that.

Moving to another hosting provider

Over the past few weeks, I moved all my websites from HostGator to Knownhost. I’d been with Hostgator for about 10 years; however, I was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with their service. EIG had bought them out, and I noticed that their service was declining. I did a lot of research and found a hosting provider I’m very happy with. I’ll write more about that in another post.

I plan to enjoy my Saturday and work on some wire-wrapped jewelry this evening.