Adventures in Beekeeping: Successful hive installation

My last two orders of package honeybees arrived this morning and everything went smoothly. No time to post the few pictures that my daughter took but perhaps I’ll get a chance within the next few days.

Throughout the day, I popped by to check on them and I must say that they seem to be settling into their home quite nicely. This afternoon, we had rain showers for a few hours which made most of the honeybees go inside their new home. There were a few stragglers that refused to go inside though. It wasn’t a hard rain. After the rain had stopped, I noticed some of the honeybees doing widening circles as they oriented themselves to their new location and later some ventured out to find nectar sources. 🙂

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Looking forward to this season’s Bee Posts!!!!! Congrats on the new families in your yard!
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