Next Thursday, is my daughter’s birthday. Tomorrow I’m having a cake made for her and I’ll make her very special dinner; lentil tacos, egg rolls and ice cream.
I already texted the BF about surprising her a bit early. He’s thrilled that he’s included on the early surprise.
It’s become a tradition for me to knit her an amigurumi. Can you believe I have not even started to knit one yet? Whatever am I thinking about? Of course, by now, my daughter *knows* I’m knitting a stuffed toy for her, she just does not know what? All her knitted/crocheted amigurumis have a special place of honor in her room. It makes me feel special that she loves her hand crafted items so much that she proudly displays them.
We’ll be celebrating at the BF’s house, so he won’t have as far to come. He gets off of work much later than me and he lives an hour away. In doing this, he’ll be able to celebrate her birthday, a bit early, and won’t feel disappointed that he won’t be there on her actual birth date; however, knowing him, I would not be surprised if he makes the trip on her actual day to see the both of us.
After all… this is the same man that drove one hour (after work) just to spend thirty minutes with us. It was a complete surprise. He made a cake just for her. Yes… he’s a keeper! đŸ˜‰
Oh! Another birthday! WOW! Time flies! And yes I think the BF is a keeper! Sweet guy!
Jennifer recently posted..Mango Cream Smoothie, Dijon Walnut Sauce, and Raw Vegan Eggplant Strips
@Jennifer, We gave her one of the gifts early. A handcrafted leather bound journal. She’s thrilled. She said it was too pretty to use for writing. I suggested she save that for her short stories and she thought that was a wonderful idea. She has a few remaining items that she will receive on her actual birth date.
Aynaria recently posted..Vegetarian: Lentil tacos and homemade lemonade
Great guy, your BF! Can’t wait to see your post of your girl’s birthday – I wonder what he has got up his sleeves for that special day. Hehehehehe!!!!
suituapui recently posted..Mambo Italiano…
@suituapui, I’ll be curious to see what he has planned. He already did something that thrilled her to pieces. He set up the Wii gaming system for her and so she had fun playing bowling, tennis and jet skiing. The BF and I go out a few times weekly, most of those ‘dates’ include her.
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