One glorious weekend!

My goodness did the time fly by! This past weekend, we visited my BF’s parents in Deleware. If you remember, we had visited them once before, on that trip, we took my daughter to Ocean City, Maryland. Ocean City was a first for both my daughter and me and seems to be quite the “local vacation spot,” for Marylanders… and while it was nice, it’s not something I’d be falling over myself to visit anytime soon. No thank you… there are plenty of other places that are a bit more to my liking, minus the crowd.

But let me get back to our current visit. As my mom would say, we did not let the dust settle under our feet. We arrived around 8:30 on Friday evening and visited for about two hours before we all went to bed. We were exhausted. However, Saturday morning (while the BF slept) the BF’s parents, my daughter and I went for a walk. My daughter said it was about an hour. Really? It didn’t seem that long since the time flew by so quickly… and that’s wonderful since it shows we enjoyed our time together.

Bocce Ball_1 8.23.15
Playing Bocce ball with my daughter and my BF’s mom.

Later that day, we went to the pool and afterwards his father grilled. There were burgers, bratwurst, beans, salad and a few other “picnic type items,” that I can’t remember. I do know that it all tasted amazing! A bit later his mom, my daughter and I played Bocce ball. It was the first time playing (for me). My daughter said she’d played virtual Bocce ball on the Wii. My daughter led for quite some time until the end when his mom narrowly beat her by two points. The final score was

BF’s mom 12

Daughter   10

Me                 7

The BF’s mom is on a Bocce ball team!

Pete's Dad_crabs 1
My BFs dad with steamed crabs.

As if we didn’t have enough food, that evening we had steamed crabs. Here’s a picture of his dad eating some of them.

Puzzle 08.22.15
My daughter and me puzzling over a puzzle.

Do you remember that puzzle I said we were working on during our last visit? My daughter and I were able to finish it on Saturday!


We ended our time together by going to Sunday mass at 10:00 a.m., afterwards we went to brunch at a local restaurant. They had an all day breakfast buffet, and that’s what everyone wanted. Over our meal we talked. It was nice hearing his father’s testimony about what led him to Christ. My BF had just shared an experience and after his father talked, I shared an experience I had about eight years ago. So not only were we being fed physically, we fed one another spiritually too. How awesome is that?

All too soon it was time to say our goodbyes, hugs were swapped, thank yous tossed about, bags packed and the BF, my daughter and I headed back to Maryland. We have plenty of wonderful memories to share and think about fondly until the next time we meet again…

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Sounds like a great time! The first photo and the house remind me of my cousin’s front of her house!
Jennifer recently posted..Cassadee Pope Concert


Ooooooo…crabs!!! Those would cost a bomb here! Too expensive, can’t afford…a once-in-a-long-while luxury to enjoy.

I’m like you. Any place that is too crowded (and noisy), count me out! I prefer nice, peaceful and quiet surroundings.
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