Bye bye drought; the rain dancing worked

Say goodbye to a garden full of half wilted plants and say hello to the a garden coming back to life. The past few days, we’ve received a buttload of rain here in Maryland, and I along with many other gardeners/farmers are doing a happy dance. The past several weeks, rain has been scarce in our neck of the woods.

Last week we reached 100F a few days in a row. I can deal with the heat; I sit in a dry sauna several days weekly. The temperature gets up to about 180F. However toss in the humidity, and the biting flies and it’s not exactly fun being outside tending to the garden. Regarding the lack of rain, watering parts of the garden with our garden hose helped with some of our produce, but others (even some that hadn’t been watered) couldn’t handle the drought and intense heat and they withered up and died.

So yes, we’re excited about the rain. It’s great to see brown grass turn green again. Also, nice to see the scarlet red peppers, and the dark purple eggplants flourishing. Thanks to the downpour of rain over the past few days. Checking out the grapes, it looks as though we’ll be seeing them within a few weeks. Hot pink blossoms are all over our fig tree, and it’s one of the favorite spots of the butterflies and bees.

I’m still eliminating items I’ve had for years in the house. We don’t use them, so why in the world am I keeping them? At times, it’s hard for me to get rid of things and I need to realize that I simply need to let go! Over the past month, the Purple Heart has been called at least twice and we’ll be following up with them again soon. The recent cleaning frenzy I’m on reminds me of the nesting bug that hit when I was pregnant with my daughter. Thankfully people stayed out of my way.

I’m hoping I get a chance to take some pictures today, upload them onto my MacBook Pro, and perhaps share a few photos here at I’m Celebrating Life. My daughter has piano lessons today, and I really need to stop into the Apple store. I have a few projects that I need to finish for clients before my daughter and me head out to the swimming pool later today.

My workouts are still going well; I listen to my body, and know when to take it easy. If you don’t you can damage your body. I have slightly sore hamstrings today. I worked them out in a different way. I’ve found that sauna rounds is helpful, along with massages where I add a homemade sport rub to the affected spot can be extremely helpful.

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I would be starting a raw juice cleanse. I most likely will be starting that at the beginning of August. Perhaps I should write down what I consume during the week, and list the benefits of the various juices I use.

Question: What are your plans for today?

Technorati Tags:
Gardening, Moondancer

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Maira Grove

Oh, how I wish it was raining here! It is 100F here today so the boys and I made our own rain with the sprinklers… Even our dog was thankful for this, he is soaked :). Fruit Popsicles are now being enjoyed 🙂


@Maira Grove – Here’s hoping you receive rain soon. However hanging out with the sprinklers (and I imagine laughing kids) had to be fun too! Oh what a delicious treat, fruit popsicles. My daughter loves those and so do I! 🙂

Janet McDonald

I went to Weight watchers today yey! I would love to cook like you..wish you were my neighbor. Rain is such a heaven sent blessing! Yey!


@Janet McDonald – I saw that, congrats on making that first step. Here’s hoping you continue on in your journey too.
I agree, we’re so happy to receive rain.
Oh wouldn’t that be fun if we were close by, We could have lunches. I imagine I would bombard you with beading questions. 😉

Maira Grove

@Moondancer – I hadn’t actually realized that you sent rain wishes my way until I came over to to post a comment for you to ask if you sent ‘rain wishes’ my way LOL. We actually had a little bit of rain this morning! It is still cloudy and nice, not too cool but not scorching hot ether… THANK YOU!!! 😀


@Maira Grove – Oh glad to hear you received some rain, here’s hoping some more rain showers come your way. It appears to be hot all over the USA.