Sewing Adventures: Machine Embroidery – Book love…

You know… I still haven’t finished that top that I started sewing. I feel that there’s something lacking and so I’ve set aside that project until I know what else I want to add to the shirt.


Embroidery Book Lover_1

This past weekend, in hopes of getting my sewing mojo back… I created this lovely embroidered shirt for my daughter. Being that she loves books as much as myself, I think it’s appropriate, don’t you?

Embroidery Book Lover_2
Machine Embroidery – Book love


I most likely will add some additional embroidery to this shirt, perhaps a saying on the other side? We’ll see! While I was embroidery the above shirt, my daughter was working on her drawing. She finished her drawing about an hour before I finished her shirt. In total, it took her nine hours to complete her picture and I must say it’s lovely! It didn’t take me nearly as long to finish embroidering her shirt. Perhaps a few hours…

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That’s so cute! LOVE it! And LOVE the color, too!!!
Jennifer recently posted..A Little Jicama Diddy…


Beautiful! Love it!
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