The past few weeks have gone by oh so quickly. If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you’ve seen me posting there; however, using an actual laptop or desktop (for personal use) has been non-existent. I’ve already mentioned that I rarely create blog posts on my iPad. This past Sunday, I attended a baby shower and knitted an infant hat, matching booties and another infant hat. I also made two trays of food (one chicken and a spicy rice dish) that were quite popular. I made enough to feed thirty people. I’m hoping that I have time to write actual posts within the next few days; however, I’m fairly sure that will not happen until the Christmas holiday.
Sounds like a great gift and shower!!! Looking forward to your future posts as always!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Patchouli Perks!
@Jennifer, It was! I should be posting a bit more now. We’ll see… I’m still incredibly busy.
Aynaria recently posted..New Years Eve 2015
Yes, time does seem to fly. Just one week left to the holidays and my girl will be going back to her school in the jungle. 🙁
It’s Christmas Eve here, Opal, so here’s wishing you and your loved ones God’s abundant blessings this Christmas and the whole year through. Cheers!!!
suituapui recently posted..A Christmas card…
@suituapui, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous New Years Eve. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Aynaria recently posted..December 1: Time flies… when you’re busy!