WordPress: Tweaking my WP Theme & publishing with MarsEdit

wordpress-logo.05.26.10.png It’s been a while since I’ve played around with WordPress. The main thing I enjoyed about using WordPress with my own hosting provider was that I had so many more themes to choose. I always enjoyed tweaking my chosen WP theme to fit my personal tastes.

I love WordPress
I’m a huge fan of WordPress. WordPress wasn’t the first application I’ve tried.Quite a few years ago, when I started using an actual blogging program I chose Blogger. I dropped it the same day since I really didn’t like it. I chose Typepad and stayed with them for about six months before deciding to try WordPress with my Web hosting provider. WordPress was one of the available blogging applications that was built right in. Only thing I needed to do was activate it. I guess you could say, the rest is history.

Thanks to freelance-writing, I’ve had a chance to check out a few other blogging software applications, and although they are amazing. I still prefer WordPress.

Regarding posting to WordPress, I don’t actually post in WordPress. I use an offline blog editor called MarsEdit. The software application was created by Daniel Jalkut, the few times I had questions regarding the application he’s always been helpful and so I had no problems paying for is application.

In my opinion, If you enjoy blogging an offline editor should be added to your list, MarsEdit is made exclusively for Mac computers. The majority of my computer work is done on Mac computers. My favorite Apple computer is my 17″ MacBook Pro. Regarding offline blogging editors, I really enjoy that convenience. I’m not always online when I’m on one of my computers and besides, quite a few of my posts aren’t automatically published after I complete them.

Regarding this blog, I sort of like the theme I’ve selected here but…. I still have some adjustments I need to make before I’m enjoying it completely. 🙂 Anyway, I’m thinking about swapping the header and putting a personalized header in it’s place. My daughter likes pink, and so I decided to go with her suggestion and have pink somewhere on this website. I know she’ll be reading what mommy writes (occasionally) seeing the pink will make her happy. 🙂

Well, it’s time for me to crack open my WordPress for Dummies book, I need to brush up on a few things. 😉

Technorati Tags:
freelance jobs, MacBook Pro, WordPress

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