Juice Cleanse: No hunger cravings

This has been a very busy weekend for my daughter and me. I buy the food for our Lutheran’s church ministry at a local Homeless Shelter and so today after church you could find me going to Aldi’s, with daughter in tow, to pick up the items needed to create three meals. Dinner this evening is jambalaya, breakfast tomorrow (bacon & eggs), and bagged lunch assortment of meats, veggies, bread and water. Also fruit roll up snacks are added to their lunch.

Afterwards my daughter and I returned to church. It’s Kick-Off weekend for all the small groups we have at our church and to celebrate they were selling a variety of food. The money raised goes to support the various Small Group ministries at our church.  I’ve heard great things about their Pit Beef. I picked up some Pit Beef sandwiches for my daughter (Even though there’s plenty of yummy food at home) and we went home. Oh, I assisted with Sunday School too. We accomplished all of this before 11:30 a.m.

Yes, I’m still only drinking juices and I feel great! It’s going on seven days. Years ago, when I started doing them, I had a few people concerned about my health stating that they weren’t healthy. I asked them why, I’m drinking vegetables and fruit in a concentrated form? There’s no way I could consume the amount of produce that I do when juicing. Tell me how is that unhealthy?

  • I’m in good health – not my words my health care provider
  • I’m not taking any medication
  • I already eat healthy so no worries about intense detox
  • I mainly consume vegetables when I juice

They had no answer for me. I will say that I’ve received nothing but positive feedback at my health & wellness visits. Although already healthy, years ago, my health care practitioner commented on improvements when I’ve visited them shortly after a fast. The most notable comment came from my optometrist, he commented on my eye health. That was a few years ago. I told him that I’d been doing juice cleanses within the past few months. He was fascinated and wanted to no more. I must say, that was very refreshing to have someone within his field being open to alternate ways to improve ones health without the use of medication.



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That gets so frustrating when every-day people question your intake and all of a sudden everyone is a doctor! I know most of the people are genuinely concerned for their friends/family members but I think it’s mostly because anytime we do something different or outside of mainstream most people don’t understand and people don’t like what they don’t understand. I try and be patient but on the inside it’s sometimes frustrating. I just keep telling myself ‘turn that frown upside down’ and be a living example and try and answer their questions the best I can, I guess…ya know!?

I think you know what I mean…lol…
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan Mofo ~ Spinach & Chickpeas, Turkish Red Lentil Soup, A Word About Lavender, and Mostly Liquids Week


VERY true!

And very wisely-said
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