Do you recall that lovely stash of Malabrigo yarn that I received on New Years Eve? Yeah that yarn, those are my colors you know…
Originally, I was going to make this entire hat seed stitch…
Row one: *Knit 1, purl 1. Repeat from * across.
Row two: *Purl 1, knit 1. Repeat from * across.
But I thought stockinette showed off the colors in this lovely Malabrigo yarn so much better. Therefore, you only see knitted seed stitch on the hat brim.
This past weekend, I started knitting this hat while my daughter’s choir was practicing for their musical. My fingers flew as I knitted and watched her (and the rest of her choir mates perform) and before I knew it the rehearsal was over. Today, during my daughter’s weekly choir practice, I finished knitting a hat with some of that incredibly soft Malabrigo yarn.
If you’ve followed my site for some time, you know I rarely make items for myself. The usually end up going to some loved one or a charity where I volunteer.

Well guess what? I made this knitted hat for me! Which explains why it’s so large. It fits my head perfectly. My hats need to be big to fit my thick locks. And… I made this hat long, I can easily tuck my locks inside this hat. Perfect!
So as you see, even though my recent posts have focused on and beekeeping and sewing I’m still enjoying knitting! These days, I’m knitting exclusively with my Hiya Hiya Stainless Steel Sharp knitting needles. Eventually, I’ll get around to posting some of the items (knitting and sewing) I’ve been making and perhaps I’ll even get around to posting a picture of me modeling this hat…
WOW! Brilliant colors! Very nice!
Who ever receives your creations should KNOW they are made with LOVE 🙂
Awesome, girl!
Jennifer recently posted..Vamping up Convenience Foods & A Homemade Dressing!
Thanks @Jennifer, the fiber items I gift to others seem to be appreciated. Then again, I have a good idea what they like, so I know they’ll appreciate what I make. If I’m spending a lot of time creating something for someone else, I want to make sure they like what they receive.
Aynaria recently posted..Upcoming birthday; just around the corner…
Nice. Love the varying shades and the seed stitch brim. Normally, I would see those brims with vertical lines, right?
suituapui recently posted..A hundred years…
@suituapui, Yes the vertical lines aka “rib stitch” is something you see with a lot of knitted hats.
Aynaria recently posted..Adventures in Beekeeping; I purchased the Warre Hive aka ‘The People’s Hive’
Q – Beautiful! You’re right, the stockinette stitch show the colors off much better. Super yum color!
curls and q recently posted..4KCBWDAY4 Colour Review
@curls and q, The colors are so bright and cheerful. Agreed, while the stockinette stitch is one of the basic stitches it worked well with these colors. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Upcoming birthday; just around the corner…