Yesterday, I saw the video that I included below. I must admit it gave me a good belly laugh since I can easily think of one of our furbuddies that falls into this category. It would be Mr. Bentley, our Shih Tzu.
Yep… I can totally see him at the 1:31 mark in this video, and although he is clumsy, we love him anyway! 🙂
Yup! I giggled but also hoped some of them didn’t crack a rib in the process of those ‘swift moves’ Ouch!!!! My parents dog Lexi will let toys hit her in the face instead of trying to catch them. Our Riley isn’t the brightest bulb either…I’ve seen him do some really goofy things. Paco even ran into a glass door once!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..Current Vegan Eats & Winner Announcements!
@Jennifer, They are something, right?
Chingu, my BF’s dog does this every single time I get ready to go out onto the deck. You’d think by now he’d wait for the door to open… but oh no! He runs into the sliding glass door every single time! 😉
Aynaria recently posted..Enjoying old fashioned letter writing
OH MY!!!!
Jennifer recently posted..4 Smoothies on a Friday!
hehe that’s pretty funny! I love the little one running on the sand who ends up taking a nose-dive!!!! lol
Sandy recently posted..Chocolate Okara Pie
@Sandy, I know right, it was so cute! it shook its head and kept moving. It looks like a corgi.
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