I haven’t purchased houseplants in years. There really hasn’t been a need for that since we have plenty of plants indoors and even more in our one-acre garden, however, over the past three weeks, I’ve brought about fifteen new plants into our home. The main reason has been because of my lovely daughter. She’s shown an interest in plants and so we went plant shopping. Although there are plenty of plants at the home that I can give to her, there’s something special about picking out a plant that is new to you.
My daughter favors succulents, and so her selections reflected that. Myself? I mainly lean towards variegated plants and am partial to plants that either has medicinal qualities or are extremely beneficial for the home. Before I make any new plant purchase, I will research them just to make sure they’re a good fit for my zone and the location that I plan to place them. I’ve found doing that, has saved a lot of frustration and ensures that the plants I own flourish instead of just “surviving.” Why? Plants are living things, and I do treat them respectfully. So yes… I do talk to my plants. Later this week (and next) I do have a few plants arriving by mail. A few are exotic, I’m looking forward to receiving them and more importantly seeing how they do in their new home. One of the plants ordered is a tropical plant and so that will be traveling with a heat pack, that will keep the box temperature at 70 F during travel. It’s making its trek to me all the way from California.
My co-worker started me on many of the ones I have now in my office! I can’t wait to hear more about the ones you have been tinkering with!
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