Taking herbs, clay, enemas, vinegar and many other natural remedies have seem to always been part of my life.
My mother used many within our household. It’s a bit interesting, since now she rarely uses any of them. Whereas I, on the other hand, have picked up where she left off. Because of me, my father has become interested in natural alternatives again. He’s familiar with them much before he married my mom. His mom (my grandmother) used them religiously in their household.
My grandmother was a short Black/Irish/Indian lady, even tinier than me. I’m guessing she was perhaps 4’10” since I could look down on her from my lofty height of 5″.
Over the years, I’ve chatted with one of my favorite blog buddies (Jennifer) about this topic and others via email and occasionally blog postings. Today, I told her I’d start writing about my cleansing experiences and in some cases my skepticism about certain treatments here at Celebrate Life.
Since a few topics/results might be repulsive to some (I find it fascinating) I’ll be sure to hide that part of the posts behind a more tag.
For the past several years, I’ve taken numerous courses in alternative therapy. Natural healing, like aromatherapy has always fascinated me. Anything I’m interested in I’ll research thoroughly.
I’m glad things are going well! I, too, believe in the power of plants and herbs! I’m always interested in learning more!
Jennifer recently posted..Day Trip – Fringe of Cleveland
@Jennifer, I’m the same way, I’m always learning something new. I think one of my first “cleansing” posts will be the various things I use. I think I’ll focus on one at a time and write about their benefits and how I’ve used them in the past. This past cleanse has been great, my food cravings are zero. Which is great. Of course, I still am eating, but the occasional craving I’d get for things not so great are gone.
Aynaria recently posted..Food adventures: Healthy Snacks; raisins and ginger with raw; walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds