Cleansing update: Garlic enemas

A few months ago, I stumbled upon this video about garlic enemas which I thought fit perfectly for my cleansing routine.

I really liked Lori Goodwin’s video and her positive upbeat personality (along with her knowledge about a variety of topics that interest me)  had me watching more on enemas that she uses at home and her clinic. She also talks about other natural healing topics.


I liked the name of her site I Keep Smiling, what a positive statement, right? I could identify with this message, since I always smile too. It sure beats frowning. The positive message reminds me of my own sites name, Celebrate Life.

4 qt. enema bag
4 qt. enema bag

But back to garlic enemas…

I remember specifically searching for information about garlic enemas since I know the amazing benefits it has; antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal… knowing the positive effects I’ve had consuming it raw, I was curious to see what people’s experiences with garlic enemas. I use a 4qt. enema bag, it looks a lot like the one featured above, except mine is blue and it also has a metal hook (instead of plastic) to hang the bag.



I get a bit graphic about the effects of the enema after the break, so only click on Get the Whole Story, if you want to read about that.

Well, after much research I tried it out for myself. I do agree with Lori, that garlic enemas can be very intense. The first time I tried one, I couldn’t retain it at all, since I knew this might happen I made sure I was near a toilet. After that first experience,  I could retain for at least fifteen minutes, longer if I wanted to. I will say the odor coming from the stuff that was released from those enemas was really foul! Oh my goodness! The feces smelled awful! I found that interesting, since my normal bowel movements normally don’t have any odor. But the garlic enemas were pulling out some vile smelling stuff.

Were the garlic enemas effective?  Yes, I would say they were. The intense itching brought about by candida yeast infection stopped almost immediately after that garlic enema so that simple fact, was enough for me to add garlic to my enema routine. Initially I was doing them every other day, but now I now do them a few times monthly.

My history with enemas

I’ve been using enemas for years, my family (both sides) have used a lot of alternative healing remedies, so I didn’t view enemas as being ‘odd’ or something only used by those into kinky stuff. I use a 4 qt. enema bag and it gets sterilized after each use. Additionally, the solutions I add to the bag are sterilized before they are put into the enema bag.I must say that I’ve found them to be extremely helpful and it’s another way to flush out unwanted fecal material.

One thing I’ve always found odd was that some experts talk about cleanses but completely ignore the colon? Bowel cleansing is just as important as other cleanses.

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Garlic does that. Used to take a lot of it – chopped and soaked in apple cider vinegar. Great with a number of dishes – just spread and eat.
suituapui recently posted..Pit stop…


I am intrigued. The weekend got busy so I never really sat down long enough go back to the Facebook discussion where I was all “EXIT ONLY!” until you mentioned candida. My candida flares up pretty bad after I’ve been glutened, and I tried doing the candida diet, but I just couldn’t hang with it long enough to do more than a general detox. I am, however, going to share this with my friend who has been considering coffee enemas. 🙂
DragonLady recently posted..Maniacal Monday #19


[…] YouTube & enemas. Opal had a post up the other day: Cleansing update: Garlic enemas which I saw shortly after a small discussion on something I posted on Facebook where she mentioned […]


[…] thinking about purchasing a stainless steel enema bucket for months, I held off and kept using my 4qt. enema bag. However, when I thought about it, I realized purchasing something like that will last me a […]


The stainless steel enema bucket is so worth it!

Carol A

Hinda- agree the SS enema bucket kit is so nice!

only reason I don’t have one now is cost. They can be expensive.

for all to know, I use the red rubber enema bag now. No problems. And don’t think there is a issue with leaching when using it.

I use a reusable rubber enema bulb for giving enemas to my two.

this article is great.

keep up the good health all.

Carol A

Celebrate, I use the 2-quart enema bag for coffee enemas and other enemas.

I may buy a 4-quart as you use.

hugs and blessings