The only thing my daughter wanted to do for Halloween was to stay at home and watch movies… We did and had a lot of fun.
Last year, I stumbled upon this picture and meant to post it for Halloween 2014, but it slipped my mind. If I’d have been thinking, I would have set it up as an advanced post, just like I do for many of the posts here on Celebrate Life but… that didn’t happen.
I’ve always liked skulls, skeletons and pumpkin heads. Creepy for some, but oh so fascinating for me and boy does my mind start spinning when I see them.
Many of the stories I’ve written are a bit off the rails with their creepiness, so it’s safe to say that so this picture is perfect for me. I also think, this picture has a story that is begging to be told, don’t you? Last year, when I stumbled upon this picture, I let the picture do the talking… and before I knew it I had a story. I shared that creepy little tale with my daughter.
Creepiness is nothing knew to me, as I mentioned before on this site, I started reading adult books when I was about six. I read Stephen King’s, The Shining (what I considered my first true adult books) when I was seven. The book, led me on a twisted path for books that were just as bizarre, twisted and macabre. I loved King’s writings, because many of the stories had shreds of reality woven throughout his demented tales.
For those who celebrated this day, Happy Belated Halloween!
The only thing I did for Halloween this year was download a free app for Walking Dead that you could take a pic of yourself and then zombie-fy yourself! LOL So yeah…pretty low key for us, too! teehee
Jennifer recently posted..Household Updates
@Jennifer, Lol, yes it definitely sounds like you had a low key Halloween also. 😉
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