Juice Cleanse: Day 3; feeling great

I’m currently going into day 3 of my juice cleanse and I feel great.

This morning, I was up at around 1:30 a.m. I couldn’t sleep and so I drank one of my potent dark green juices. What was in this blend? Obviously, it has dark leafy greens, but I also included ginger, head of garlic and a habañero pepper. The juice is very potent. I’ll post the exact recipe and accompanying picture hopefully later today. I’ll warn you, if you don’t like hot, you won’t be liking this juice. It’s not for the spicy lightweight. One of my former coworkers used to call it, ‘Opals Vegan Alcohol’.

After drinking my green juice (that has a powerful kick) I lay back down and was finally able to go back to sleep. I awoke around 4:30 a.m., ready to take on the world with tons of energy! Warm ginger tea was the first thing I drank, since it’s a great to get the digestive system moving which makes having bowel movements a bit easier. In addition, I added a teaspoon of turmeric, to my ginger tea. Why? Turmeric is great for the liver. It makes sense to help the liver out since your liver is working a bit harder  while you’re  on a juice cleanse, right?

Am I feeling hungry the third day of my juice cleanse?

I can honestly say that I’m not feeling any hunger. My body is gathering all the nutrients that it can in a highly concentrated form. Because I’m juicing, the nutrients are assimilated by my body much easier than drinking smoothies or eating solid foods.


Day 3 of my juice cleanse, How am I feeling?

I feel amazing!  In fact, I feel like running around in a wide open field, just like Julie Andrews! My nasal passages are clearer than they normally are and my energy levels are even higher. My energy levels are high already, but juicing always kicks it up a few more notches.

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How many people jumped in to participate with you this round? Sounds like a fun time! Friends and support make it much easier to stick with, I think! And you are the BEST at being supportive and encouraging others! You’re wonderful!
Jennifer recently posted..In The Spotlight


I have noticed and LOVE your posts 🙂
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