Kitchen Adventures: Breakfast for lunch

Earlier this week, I made this meal, for my daughter’s breakfast. She loves a hot breakfast and most mornings I prepare one for her.

My daughter loved her breakfast so much, that she requested it for lunch at school. Sometimes, she likes eating breakfast for lunch.

Breakfast for Lunch_1 11.11.14

In the far upper left hand corner,  you’ll see the omelet that I’d made, along side it to the right are the homemade sausages. In the first row are the home made hash browns and to the right is an assortment of snacks; homemade chocolate chip cookies, grapes and store bought pretzel rods. What did she have to drink? A hibiscus water kefir soda that I’d made. It’s super fizzy and so much better than your carbonated sodas. After my daughter returned home from school, I asked my daughter how she liked her lunch. She smiled and said, “It was very good mom, thanks!”

I enjoy making home cooked meals for my daughter to eat and since she uses her insulated Zojirushi lunch jar, even when she’s away for hours at school, her food stays warm until lunchtime.


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Your girl’s so lucky. Nothing beats homemade…and she gets them all.
suituapui recently posted..Kingdom…


WOW! What a LUNCH!!!!!