Sewing adventure: Rounding up the accessories

I’m thrilled, that the antique iron I purchased on Ebay, is finally making its way to my home. The iron weighs 16 pounds. I’m also receiving an antique sadiron; it weighs 20 pounds. “Sad” was a term that was used to describe heavy objects. I first read about a sadiron in the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Antique sadiron

“Then Ma took the sadiron out of the wagon and heated it up by the fire. She sprinkled a dress for Mary and a dress for Laura and a little dress for Baby Carrie, and her own sprigged calico. She spread a blanket and a sheet on the wagon seat, and she ironed the dresses.”

Laura Ingalls Wilder – Little House on the Prairie

American Beauty Iron
American Beauty Iron

Take a closer look at the sadiron in the first picture, it looks similar to the the picture above. That’s my American Beauty iron that I recently ordered. I can’t wait to receive both!

Embroidery – If at first you don’t succeed…

The past few days I’ve been able to machine embroider a bit. I wasn’t thrilled with anything that I made though. When I’m trying out a new design, I always use scrap cloth. I will say that this is the first time that I was not thrilled with any of the color choices that I’d made. I’ll be sure to post pictures of my mistakes.

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WOW! They sure do look a like! LOVE the Little House on the Prairie references/quotes 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Recipes FOR Medicinal Foods


What a find!!! My granny had two of these!
Nicky recently posted..Winter Lips