Sugar or Sex; a book about candida

Sugar or Sex by Rachel DaviesThe past few months, I haven’t written much about candida, but it’s something that still fresh on my mind. I’m happy to say that the majority of the symptoms that plagued me have vanished. If I were to go by the numerous accounts I’ve read about, I most likely won’t be “candida free” for several months, but I’m content to know that the annoying symptoms that would rear their ugly little heads are now a distant memory.

I didn’t need a book as a guide, I found plenty of information online. While I was already eating healthy, I did learn that certain of the foods I was consuming was actually feeding candida and so they were eliminated. So yes, I was pretty much symptom free when I stumbled upon the book Sugar or Sex: an invaluable companion about candida, but I purchased it anyway and  that was largely due to Rachel Davies writing style.  She wrote about a lot that I already knew about candida, but it was her engaging writing style, that was apparent in the book that made me decide to purchase the book.

In later posts, I’ll write about some of the items I used that have been very helpful in my bout with candida.

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