I’m not a big fan of fried foods. I typically avoid them. However, this past Friday, I saw that the T-fal Deep fryer, Stainless Steel, Easy to Clean Deep Fryer was on sale! The reviews that I’ve seen for this T-fal were excellent, and so I made the purchase. Since I purchased the fryer on Black Friday, I received 40% off the original price. But, looking at it now, it’s back at its actual price. I thought this would be a great device to have when I make the occasional fried side for my daughter or others.

The fryer arrived yesterday, and today, I set it up. What did I make? I made Cauliflower balls! My daughter loved them. Me? Not so much. There wasn’t anything wrong with the taste; I believe I would have preferred them baked. I rarely eat fried foods, so these weren’t appealing to me at all. Does that make sense? I did make enough so that my daughter has at least three meal-sized portions. If I know my daughter, she will most likely eat these as a side dish. While she fills her plate full of vegetables or fruit.

This evening I waited three hours after using the unit and drained the oil out of the fryer. What remains are a few bits of the cauliflower batter!

Looking at the above picture, you can see that the oil was drained from the deep fryer basin. Since I’d waited those three hours the cooking oil was warm enough to drain into the plastic reservoir without any issues. Awesome! Once the oil started draining, it took about 15 minutes for this bin to fill.
This basin has a knob on the far left that you can unscrew and drain the oil. Which is exactly what i did.

Where did I place all that oil? I drained the filtered oil into the mason jars, as seen above. As you can see, this drained oil is clean and free of debris. Perfect! Afterwards, I took the basin apart and clean it thoroughly. Of course, I cleaned all the other removable parts also. I then dried all the pieces and and placed the fryer in a cabinet for storage.
What are my initial thoughts about the T-fal Deep fryer, Stainless Steel, Easy to Clean Deep Fryer?
- I like its size, and the basket that holds the fryer is similar to the fryers that I see in restaurants.
- A detachable cord, and it’s magnetic!
- Oil can be filtered/drained from the base into a reservoir that collects the oil.
- The base that holds oil can be taken apart and washed.
- Parts break down so you can wash everything easily.
- Parts can be placed in the dishwasher.
- This deep fryer is made of stainless steel, and it’s lightweight. I was surprised by how light this was when I lifted the box.
- Short cord. I would have preferred a longer cord. You cannot have this too far from an outlet, and perhaps that was done by design. Maybe they were concerned that if the cord was too long, it could cause accidents if the long cord caused the unit to be turned over while frying food. Ouch
Overall I’m happy with my purchase.
In other news
My father is continuing to progress and should be returning to his home tomorrow. I’d already spoken to my boss about working a flex schedule so that I’m able to assist my mother in caring for my father. He will have a home health nurse, speech, and a physical therapist attend to him from his home.