Adventures in Beekeeping: Nuc Installation

It’s been a busy day and it looks like I won’t be posting my book giveaway until tomorrow.

Here’s what’s been keeping me busy today, no time for too many words. That will come later, but here are several photos of the latest honeybees that our on our property.

Honeybees 5 frame nuc 1
Honeybees 5 frame nuc

This nuc rode in my vehicle for about 30 minutes. If I were to guess, I’d say in the back seat of my car was between 15,000 – 20,000 honeybees. Only thing separating me from them was a cardboard nuc box. ๐Ÿ˜‰ No, I wasn’t nervous!

Honeybees 5 frame nuc 3
Honeybees: Five frame nuc crawling with honeybees

Lots of honeybees!

Honeybees 5 frame nuc 9

This is a five frame nuc and each frame was literally covered with honeybees (both sides).
Honeybees 5 frame nuc 2

Love seeing honeybees in action.



Honeybees 5 frame nuc 4
Picking up my Frame Grips.

And these honeybees were extremely active, but even so I didn’t use the smoker and just sprayed them once. I’m wearing lots of layers under the bee suit. Although I wear a size small, I chose an extra large bee suit. Why? I wear bulky clothing underneath the bee suit. That way if the honeybees sting my bee suit, since I’m wearing additional clothing underneath I most likely won’t get stung.

Honeybees frame grips
Honeybee tool: Frame grips

I will say these Frame grips are awesome! I purchased them today from a local beekeeper and it made transferring loaded honeybee frames to their new home a breeze!


Honeybees 5 frame nuc

During the transfer from the nuc to their new home, the honeybees did swarm around me in a cloud and that was fine. I’d be annoyed too, being cooped up in a tiny home for so long. No worries…I’m guessing that cloud contained several hundred honeybees. Who knows, it might have been in the low thousands? I didn’t have time to count you know! But even with all that activity, I didn’t panic. Why would I do something silly like that? Your brain can’t go on meltdown just because a situation might be challenging! I apply that same concept to other aspects of my life also; think rationally. I continued to make slow careful movements. I wanted them to know I wasn’t trying to rob or hurt them. I was there to make their home a bit bigger. My daughter, having seen all the activity, had already put further distance between herself and the hive. I make her stand a ways back until I can read their temperament. She’s expressed an interest in beekeeping so I’ll be purchasing a suit for her also. Then, she can be right there with me when things are a bit crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚


Honeybees 5 frame nuc 7
Their new beehive

The above photo is their new beehive. It’s a Langstroth. I prefer Warre beehives and I’m leaning towards Tanzanian Top Bars also. I haven’t had a chance to try out a Tanzanian. I’m willing to check out the Langstroth before forming an opinion.

Honeybees 5 frame nuc 8
Securing the feeder in the top box

The second box is purely for show (for now.) This box is where I’m keeping their food. I’m feeding them for a bit since I’m still not seeing a lot of pollen sources. I don’t want them to starve. What’s their food? Organic sugar and water. The ration is 1:1. Keeping their food housed inside the top box will discourage potential robbers from trying to get a free meal.ย  After all, there are lots of other critters that would love to gorge on sugar water too. Why make it easy for them? There’s only one way inside. A small entrance at the bottom of the hive and the guard bees won’t be letting other insects up in there; at least not without a nasty fight!

Honeybees 5 frame nuc
Gently shaking out the remaining honeybees from the cardboard nuc box


Their home is much larger now, here’s hoping they stay!



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Great photos!

You always make that bee suit look so stylish! ๐Ÿ™‚

That’s a WHOLE LOT OF Bees! WOWZA! So excited for you and another year and adventure!
Jennifer recently posted..Kitchen Garden Update & Fruit Finds of the Weekend


Reminds me of the song, When a spaceman comes travellin’, a Christmas song actually.
suituapui recently posted..I still rememberโ€ฆ


Nice!!! I love the action shots. And I agree with Suituapui … you look like a cute lady in a space suit. ๐Ÿ˜€
Nicky recently posted..Rest Well โ€ฆ