Cooking Adventures: Sausage making

This afternoon, after work, I’m giving my daughter a class on sausage making.  Yes, I won the Vintage Griwold meat grinder. It arrived on Tuesday, and it appears to be in excellent condition. The only thing left for us to do is start grinding. I’m looking forward to making homemade sausage with my daughter. I have many fond memories of making it with my mother and brother.

The internet is still down at home. A technician will be out tomorrow to fix the issue. They wanted to send someone out today,  but I was not available during the times offered. Somehow my daughter and I are surviving, imagine that! 😉 To be perfectly honest, we are fine without the internet, so we aren’t going through any withdrawals. At home, there’s so much for us to do that often times the internet is something we do in our down time.

Last evening, I finished a knitting a scrunchy for my hair. I meant to wear it to work today, but it’s still sitting on the kitchen table at home. Oh well… maybe tomorrow, right?

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Looking forward to seeing some of the scrunchies!!!!!
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