Diabetes: Can Type II Diabetes be reversed following a raw food lifestyle?

Raw food

About three years ago, I made a switch to an all raw diet. What got me started was a juice fast. I had already been eating a high amount of raw foods, but I had never consumed 100% raw foods for days at a time.

After the raw juice cleanse ended I decided to ease back into consuming regular foods by following a raw food diet. I had my reservations about maintaining a raw food lifestyle for a week, but quickly realized the “I can’t” was all in my head, and I quickly turned that negative thinking into an “I can, and will.”

Being the natural researcher, I did read about following an all raw lifestyle, the benefits, possible dangers, unhealthy choices, etc., I wasn’t doing it for weight loss, I didn’t need to lose weight. I was curious and wanted to check it out for myself, more important I wanted to be on top of my game so that’s why I did extensive research on the subject.

That raw food for a week, turned into two weeks, and before I knew it months had passed.The reason was simple I really loved the effects I felt and could see. Yes, even as a person who mainly eats whole foods I noticed a change! My eyesight improved, confirmed when I went for my checkup, and I noticed other minor things; More energy than I had previously (I thought this was impossible), clear eyes, glowing skin, etc., These days I’m not 100% raw, however seeing the impacts it does have (even with the healthy whole foods lifestyle I follow) my raw food intake is still high.

Over the years, I’ve read several books on the subject of raw foods, attended a few online and in person seminars, and pretty much learned as much as possible. I wanted to see what researchers (and “regular folks”) were saying about raw foods.

Video trailer: Raw for 30 days

During this quest, my virtual search led me to the Raw for 30 days trailer. The documentary focused on six people who had Diabetes. During their 30 day stay at the Tree of Life Wellness center they would only consume raw foods. The medical doctors involved, wanted to see whether following a raw whole foods liifestyles would have any effect on their diabetes. Naturally that peaked my interest, I have several family member that have diabetes. Additionally, I’d heard of a few of the Medical doctors involved with the study; Joel Furhman, Fred Bisci, and Gabriel Cousins. A few years before, I had purchased a few of Dr. Gabriel Cousins books.

Check out the trailer, it’s fairly amazing. Is it possible to heal yourself naturally from Type II Diabetes? Raw For 30 Days, shows that this can be a possibility. Its pretty powerful stuff, and definitely shows the impact of the foods we eat and the effects (positive or negative) they can have on our overall well-being.

Update: If you would like additional information about the Tree of Life diabetes program, log onto their site and fill out the 21 Day Reversing Diabetes contact form. Please note, that i’m not an affiliate of Tree of Life, so I don’t profit from you getting information or enrolling in any of their programs. I am passionate about health and always willing to share information I’ve heard about.

I’m always fascinated by those who embrace a healthy lifestyle, and am always looking forward to sharing them with my readers. If your looking for raw food recipes, please stop by Evelyn Parham’s website. Evelyn site features a delightful mix of health related articles and posts focused on tips to build a better blog. If you’re a twitter user, be sure to keep up with Evelyn’s tweets. Her twitter name is @Evelyn_Parham. If you use an RSS feed aggregator, don’t forget to keep up with her latest posts. Subscribe now!


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Great post! I’m a natural researcher too! 🙂

There are awesome benefits to eating a mostly raw vegan diet. My eyes have better too. Amazing what you share!

The research that Dr. Cousens did was very remarkable. It goes to show anyone that conditions can be reversed just by simply changing our diets.

Thanks for the shout out! 🙂



@Evelyn, I’m always shocked when people don’t research things. 🙂 Re: eyes, I don’t need to wear glasses anymore so that’s very cool.

When I viewed this a few years ago, I was really happy to see that Dr. Cousens was involved with this project. I have a lot of respect for what he’s done, and continue to do. I wish more Medical doctors were like this, and “got” the close ties that nutrition has on our health. If we simply make healthy choices, we wouldn’t suffer from some of the health related disease, and we most certainly wouldn’t need the medication.

You’re welcome for the shout out; I try to link out a few times weekly.

Wayne Howard

I’ve done a lot of research on what eating the wrong things can do to our bodies. A lot of the illnesses that we fall victim to are because we as a society eat so much crap, processed foods.

I read somewhere can even cancer can be reversed by changing how you eat.


Heya @Wayne Howard,
You’ve got that right, lot’s of processed gunk, which at times, the body has a hard time processing. That’s impressive that you educated yourself, I find so many people simply eat the foods without question.

Yes, certain cancers can be reversed simply by cleaning up the diet. Over the years, I’ve met a few cancer survivors who beat their disease by changing their way of eating.

Beth Zimmerman

Not something I feel called to do right now but that is really interesting. And actually my husband is on a nutritional plan that is close to that. He eats primarily raw, or lightly steamed, fruits and veggies. He loves it!


Hi @Beth Zimmerman,
Thanks so much for stopping by, I really enjoy your website. I’ve been following it for a few weeks.

You don’t have to be go 100% raw to be healthy, simply make healthy food choices. Good for your husband, change can be hard for some people, but I’ve seen many switch their eating habits once they stuck it out. So many things change, tastes, physical & mental improvements, etc.


@moondanncer @healthyopal Diabetes: Can Type II Diabetes be reversed following a raw food lifestyle? http://t.co/It3oTZa


I have to say that it’s the terminology that bothers me. I’m a type II diabetic, and I know there’s no “cure” or “reversal” of diabetes. What one could possibly do is reduce the symptoms, reduce glucose and A1c. Those are big deals, but even that kind of eating comes at a price. One, the body still needs proteins that can’t be derived from raw foods, so that means supplements. Two, a person has to be ready to go that route for the rest of their lives, because as soon as they let up, things go bad in a hurry.


Hi @Mitch,

Thanks for stopping by to add to the conversation…

I’m really not sure what I feel about the terminology. I do know throughout the video. The participants were told that this was a lifestyle change. Which means it’s not a temporary thing. While some would be able to adhere to that, some won’t.

Change can be difficult for people, take for example, the one that left. He wanted to make a change, but he said he couldn’t. He simply wasn’t used to eating that way. The other’s weren’t either, but he had a harder time trying to adjust. I honestly couldn’t relate to that since the times I had to make major changes to my lifestyle, I just did it. Was it hard? You bet, but I knew what would happen if I didn’t make the change so I kept at it. Eventually it wasn’t difficult anymore.

One, the body still needs proteins that can’t be derived from raw foods, so that means supplements.

Actually, you do get protein from raw foods; Nuts, greens, sprouted grains, algae, are just a few protein raw food sources. Whole foods.org is an excellent site that focuses on whole foods and breaks down everything that is in the raw food too. I used to get the protein debate a lot, being physically active, gearing up for competition. I heard it all protein, iron, calcium, etc., Seeing professional vegan and raw vegan athletes were helpful, and I pointed to them (in addition to the wealth of information that supported me getting protein from plant based sources) when my trainer questioned my lifestyle choices.

Personally I don’t think you need to be all raw to achieve the results they received but I do think a major lifestyle change most likely be needed. That’s just my feelings not based on facts. However, I’m curious to see more studies similar to this that aren’t simply focused on raw foods.

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD was published a few years ago. It covers over 20 years. It focuses on the relationship between nutrition and health. It speaks about how certain diseases can be prevented, and in some cases reversed if we’re willing to change our eating lifestyle. It’s a good read.


@Mitch, I forgot to mention how you present the info means a lot too. I really try to do that. I can think of a few sites that are pro XX, and at times they alienate folks because they aren’t willing to accept that another way of thinking might be ok too.

Although I’m vegan, I know you don’t have to be Vegan to be healthy. I have a few non veg heads that are extremely healthy. They make great choices healthwise.


@Moondancer, I told my wife I’d go vegan if I could eat just potato chips all the time, which, as you know, is a vegan food. And I like them with less or no salt, so that would work for me. For whatever reason, she’s against that. 🙂

Truthfully, I’m not a lifestyle change kind of person. To understand me, though, you have to know the whole of it. I don’t take time getting used to stuff. This has kept me from ever having a drink in my life, ever smoking anything, ever doing any drugs, ever cursing, and a couple other “ever” or “never” things I can’t think of right now. It’s taken 10 years for my wife to convince me to join a health club with her, and we’ve known each other almost 16 years, and she probably got me to join because I’d been a member many years before we met.

I have made what I consider are significant changes to my lifestyle in trying to be healthy, but I don’t like most vegetables and only like apples, and thus vegan isn’t going to be the way for me (unless I go that potato chip route). But I also need some balance, as I fight sugar cravings most of my days (and succumb here and there). So, I just keep pushing on, exercising, medicating, and trying to be as good as I can be.


LO @Mitch,
Well Mitch, I can see why she’s not all over that idea. An all potato chip diet, while yummy wouldn’t be the best choice health-wise.

Well you’ve listed a few nevers that are good not to get into, since it can potentially do damage if you go overboard with them.

Congrats to your wife for getting you back in the gym, it can make workouts more entertaining when you work out with others.

Have you tried sneaking vegetables into things you do like, perhaps pureed into sauces, added to fruit smoothies, or the freshly made juice, added into various dishes? You’re getting the benefits of the veggies without the taste.


Hey, I went right over to Evelyn’s site! She is already on my Google Reader – I just haven’t been using it. You’re putting an end to that though.

Did you know this is how I began my vegan diet? I was on a 6-week raw foods’ fast and when it ended, I didn’t see why I would return to my former lifestyle. However, as you already know, I thought I was going to miss out on “good foods” … hilarious – here I have been missing out on “good” foods all of my life! Not any more. I have you, Evelyn, and Carolyn Akens on my team … watch out now!

I’m sharing this with a young lady who has been suffering with diabetes for years. Thank you.


Hi @Kissie, I’m glad to hear you’re going to finally make use of an RSS feed aggregator, it’s a virtual lifesaver.

Did you know this is how I began my vegan diet? I was on a 6-week raw foods’ fast and when it ended, I didn’t see why I would return to my former lifestyle. However, as you already know, I thought I was going to miss out on “good foods…

I didn’t know that! Yes if you stick with a certain way of eating long enough, you might find that your desire to eat the food that you normally that were “good foods” might have changed. It’s amazing how much our taste buds can be changed by eating the right (or in many cases) the wrong things.

I hope the information is helpful to the young lady.


That is amazing that diet can really change things around. I’ve read a bit about that in the past. Very good information there!


Hiya @kaozz,

The foods we eat have more control of our health, physical activity, mental health than a lot of people realize. I’m trying to do my part to make people aware of this and hopefully show them ways they can make improvements.

Evelyn Bourne

I’ve been a vegetarian for 14 years, but I’ve never tried a raw food diet. My grandfather was able to manage his type II diabetes from following a mostly vegetarian diet. He still ate some chicken and some lean cuts of beef because he was not willing to give those up completely.

Fabulous post. People need to see that when you take care of your body it will take care of you. 😉


Hi @Evelyn Bourne,

Raw food is definitely a “cleaner way” of eating, well that’s how it make me feel. I’ve always had a lot of energy, but following a high raw lifestyle, that energy is through the roof. It’s great for me on all levels, physically and emotionally.

It’s great to hear your grandfather was able to mange his diabetes by being mostly vegetarian.


Great post Moondancer… the only raw food I appreciate is sushi and a lot of salmon, which they say its also good for the heart if taken in the right amounts. I seldom eat like a vegetarian, only when I feel saturated from having meat the entire week


Hi @Cindy,
Thanks for stopping by, yes I’ve read the benefits of eating things such as sushi and salmon. It’s definitely important to include fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet too. 🙂


Actually a raw food diet makes a whole lot of sense, especially when you consider how much of a foods nutrients are lost by cooking it.

I went on juice fasts when I was younger and I also tried the vegetarian diet. Then I got married and I just went with the flow rather than make waves. I may not live as long but at least it will be a more peaceful lifestyle. 😉

On another note, I tweeted this post using the right icon and it wouldn’t disappear until I refreshed the page?


Hi @Sire,
I really didn’t think about the nutrients lost (too much) during cooking until I really started reading up on raw foods about five years ago. Additionally adding more into my daily lifestyle, I experienced first hand what I had been missing! Although I’d always eating raw foods, especially after switching to Vegetarian in 1992, I wasn’t eating that amount.

Yes, juice fasts can be great; some might call it a spiritual awakening. During my fasts it felt like my entire body was electrically charged, that feeling is hard to explain to people at times.

Then I got married and I just went with the flow rather than make waves. I may not live as long but at least it will be a more peaceful lifestyle.

Sometimes you have to make compromises. My father was veggie for a little while. I don’t remember how long. I was so young when he was veggie. However he slowly transitioned away from it since my mother isn’t. I do remember eating bowls of salads all the time. It might have helped her if she had learned to prepare other types of veggie foods, lol. When my brother and I were young, my mom was a stay at home mom. She did the majority of the cooking. When she went back to school, my brother and I had mixed emotions. We were happy she was pursuing her degree, but not too pleased that we were subjected to my father’s attempts at cooking, lol.

Thanks for the letting me know about the twitter addon. I will check out the tweet addon to see what’s going on. I just noticed I had two at the top of the page too, ack way too many tweet buttons up there!

Thanks for the retweet! It’s appreciated. 🙂


It would be nice if it could, but I don’t believe diabetes can be reversed completely. Managed, yes, but not reversed.


Hi @Rose,
There have been several people who have been diagnosed with Diabetes that have been able to come off their medication. Naturally, it required a lifestyle change and an educated health practitioner who could assist them during their journey. The participants listed above aren’t the only ones.

Kirt Tyson, one of the participants, has become an advocate of the raw food lifestyle. His story is fairly impressive. He’s been diabetes free for a few years.

I do believe with a lifestyle change it’s entirely possible to reverse some health related diseases. I’ve seen a few real life examples, of people doing exactly that. 🙂 The body is capable of healing itself from a variety of issues. Naturally, we need to arm ourselves with knowledge (which can be received from a knowledgeable health care practitioner.) Supplying our bodies with the adequate nutrition to nourish our bodies is very important.

There are lots of websites where people have cured themselves from a variety of disease. I’ve found some of them to be extremely impressive. 🙂


Hallo Opal,

Interesting post as usual and thanks for the introduction to the video – which I’ve now added to the YouTube channel I’m slowly building up at

Best wishes



Hello @Will,
I’ve always found it fascinating when we could reverse some of the health related diseases by simply cleaning up our diets. Naturally, it’s something I’ve read about extensively since it’s interests me. 🙂


Seriously……….this is so amazing. I really need to read this one more time. Nice post.


Hello @Olusola,
Thanks so much for stopping by.

Our bodies are truly amazing, and with the proper nutrition it’s entirely possible to cure it of a variety of health related diseases. 🙂


Stumbled. I know for a fact that sensible food choices can minimize the impact of type II diabetes for some people. Reversal? From what I’m seeing from a number of people fighting with it, I don’t want to even touch that with a 10 ft. pole. The body does have the power to heal, but people nowadays are up against a lot, and all the nutrients in the world aren’t going to help if you’re living next to a highway or on top of a converted toxic waste dump. In the case of one person I know, the stress that caused the overeating was not avoidable, not in the least.


Hi @ashok, thanks for the stumble,
I would say check out some of the stories that focus on this. I’m the type that will read up on all sides before making an informed decision.

There are quite folks that have come off of their diabetes medication completely. I just pointed to one site. I remember that site being fairly popular within the raw community. Sitting on top of a toxic waste dump or living next to a highway, I don’t know. I have no idea the living situations of all the ones who have reversed their diabetes. According to research, Type II diabetes seems to be the diet. Obesity and inactivity are some of the factors. That’s not always the case though, since I’ve met some thin people who have Type II diabetes.

The young gentleman I mentioned in my comment, Kirt Tyson, has been diabetes free for a few years now. No medication, at all. He actually lives in Maryland; It would be nice if I ran into him one of these days.

I agree stress isn’t avoidable, however, how we choose to handle the stress can lessen the impact it has on our overall wellbeing. I’m speaking from personal experience. My life hasn’t been easy, and I encountered a lot; however, the way I handled those stressful situations were helpful in eliminating the impact it had on my life. I’ve also observed how some of my family/friends have handled their own stressful situations in a positive matter. It definitely lessened its impact.