Embroidered t-shirt; Brother SE-400

Last Thursday evening I embroidered my first garment.

Machine embroidered t-shirt
Machine embroidered t-shirt


I told my daughter to pick something she didn’t mind tossing out if the machine embroidery didn’t turn out great. I’m still new to machine embroidery.  She chose a t-shirt… smart girl! She decided  on a cute rag doll from Urban Threads. As mentioned in yesterdays post, I didn’t follow the thread recommendations. My daughter chose her own colors for the Urban Threads design. The design cost $3.00. I plan to use it on a lot of different items.

Pressing the green circle starts the machine embroidery function on my Brother SE-400. The only thing left to do was to monitor the embroidery machine, as it created the embroidered design. Even though the machine does all the work, it’s smart to keep a watchful eye on it so nothing  bad happens.

I really love my Brother SE-400.  The maximum design it will embroider is 4×4, so if you want to embroider a larger design, you’ll have to look for another machine.

Embroidered design is almost complete
Embroidered design is almost complete


It took about forty minutes to complete the design.

Completed embroidered design
Completed embroidered design


And it turned out perfect. A simple but creative way to dress up a plain t-shirt.

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[…] applied the above embroidered designs to a garment. Yes, it’s for my daughter. I purchased the embroidered design from Urban Threads. No, I […]


WOW! That’s awesome! Love all the colors and the animation in the image!
Jennifer recently posted..What I Learned & Enjoyed Over The Weekend

curls and q

Q – How adorable! What a clever graphic your daughter picked. I know both of you like cloth dolls. You need to join the Machine Embroidery Class out here that our local adult school offers! LOL!
curls and q recently posted..Poke Holes In This Page


Hey! That looks awesome! So very nice…and you reckon the girl resembles your daughter a bit? LOL!!! Good job!
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