Well, here’s the surprise that I wrote about yesterday.
Gracie is another rescue. She’s a young lionhead rabbit. I think she’s about four months old?
Lionhead bunnies are one of the newest rabbit breeds.
And like most rabbits, she loves to get into everything.
I have no time to write about her (this evening) and how I acquired her from “A” (a truly amazing lady.) But I’ll be sure to post the story some time soon. Well, if you are my contacts that I sent a ‘Custom message’ to on Facebook than you know some of the story. All, I’ll say is that I’m thrilled that she now has a forever home and I’m truly thankful that A rescued her.
I haven’t been on FB in over a week but will see if there is a message on there soon! Gracie is adorable and I LOVE seeing your family GROW!!! She’s sweet! I will be posting a little bit about bunnies, soon, too!
Jennifer recently posted..Homemade Sauces and Such
@Jennifer, Looking forward to your bunny post! 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Furbaby Adventures: Lionhead rabbit; getting to know you…