Happy Memorial Day

Today’s Memorial Day, it’s a time set aside to honor those who’ve died. 

Vietnam memorial

 Last year I shared a lot of Memorial Day facts

I love history. Over the years, I’ve read a lot about this particular holiday. Did you know In 1865, freed slaves took part in a huge celebration in Charleston, South Carolina? The celebration was held at the Washington Race Course now known as Hampton Park.

What’s interesting is that this location had served as a temporary Confederate prison camp for captured Union soldiers. Mass graves on the site contained Union soldiers. I found it fascinating that in 1865 freed slaves removed bodies from the mass graves and placed them into individual graves. They also placed a fence around the graveyard, and declared it a union graveyard.

So do stop by if you’re interested in reading additional Memorial Day facts, check out that post… you might learn something new.


Photo Source: Mass Casualities

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[…] scarf. I’m thinking this color will be used to knit a cowl. We’ll be staying home this Memorial Day, and I’m sure I’ll have a chance to crochet and […]

[…] Memorial Day was a busy one for myself, and I have the aches to prove it. […]


I was never big on history in school. I can still say it is not my favorite thing. However, I am interested in people and thanks to Mike Goad’s blog, I do get interested in a lot of history as a by-product of his posts. I have to thank you for that as well, since you posted the bit about Stagecoach Mary. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about her. I think I didn’t get to it until a few days after I had planned on reading it, but I did finally and was amazed at what a pioneer she really was for the rest of us women. As for our service men and women who work so hard for us, I am thankful to them, my uncle and cousins, for all they’ve done. I wish they never had to be in those positions but until a better way comes along, I’ve got to give them props.

[…] This has always been one of my favorite songs, and I heard it on Memorial Day. […]