Stockinette scarf update; looks fine… but I’m still frogging

Yesterday I had the chance to work on this knitted stockinette scarf.

This is one of the items that will be donated to a local charity group.

Knitting Stockinette scarf 1 05 28 12

Although the stitches look fine, there’s something I’m not liking about the scarf, and so I’ll be frogging this project. What I do like is how the scarf drapes, and I like the color… just not for this scarf. I’m thinking this color will be used to knit a cowl. We’ll be staying home this Memorial Day, and I’m sure I’ll have a chance to crochet and knit. 

This new scarf will most likely be created using a cable or seed stitch.

Knitting Stockinette scarf 2 05 28 12

I believe I spent about six hours knitting this. Good thing I don’t mind ripping out my stitches, eh? 

Whether I’m crochet, knitting, jewelry making, sewing, or making soapmaking…

It’s all the same…

It’s the process that fascinates me!

Recently my fascination has been focused on yarn, which is made apparent to the numerous posts about crochet… and now knitting.

I love watching the hanks of yarn turn into something amazing. Occasionally I’ll make mistakes; everyone does at some point. But, I don’t hesitate to frog the project. With crochet it’s a lot easier to fix, since you only have to pick up one missed stitch. Knitting isn’t as easy since you’re picking up an entire row, to correct mistakes. But knitting doesn’t have to be complicated, if you get into the habit of adding a lifeline. In the above picture, you can see a lime green yarn woven through stitch. That’s my lifeline. While the row was still on my needles, I wove the yarn into that row using a darning needle.  If I make a mistake, I have only to frog back to my lifeline.

When it comes to crafts, some people are usually surprised about the amount of items or projects that I make. But that falls back to enjoying the process. Once I’m completed an item, I’m usually moving on to something else. Over the years, the speed and accuracy with all my crafts have increased. But that doesn’t happen overnight it comes from a lot of practice.

I must say, not being afraid to rip out mistakes guarantees the items I gift to people will be a high quality hand-crafted item.

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[…] my down time, I did frog the knitted stockinette scarf and  it was reborn as the knitted scarf you see […]


I admire you for your frogging with a good attitude! 😉

[…] I mentioned before, I’m a process crafter. I enjoy the process, more than completing the project, and so in my mind, I’m already […]

[…] I mentioned before, I’m a process crafter. I enjoy the process, more than completing the project, and so in my mind, I’m already […]