Homemade Playdough

Yesterday, my daughter, nephew, and I had a lot of fun making playdough.

I gathered all the ingredients; flour, salt, cream of tarter, water, and a bit of oil. I then cooked everything in a large pot. My six year old nephew was excited, and helped me stir the playdough. My nephew is staying with us until this Friday. It works out perfectly, since my daughter is on Spring Break.

Homemade Playdough
Homemade Playdough


In the above photo, the dough started gathering around the spatula, that’s an excellent sign since it means that it’s almost ready. Of course, we had to wait for it to cool. Which was hard for them my daughter and nephew since they were ready to get creative.


We dyed our homemade playdough with food coloring.
We dyed our homemade playdough with food coloring.


After the playdough had cooled, we separated the playdough into sections and dyed it with food dye. This was a simple project, but we enjoyed it immensely and my daughter and nephew were entertained for a few hours while they worked on their creations. Towards the end, they decided to make Minecraft zombies, and let them dry. Once they’re dry, I’ll make sure I post a picture.

You can have fun without being glued to a technology gadget…

This week, my nephew is taking a break from his technology toys. I told him, you don’t need all those gadgets to have fun. I’m limiting their technology time And you know what? He’s still having fun! I always question the amount of time that some Children (and some adults too) spend with technology gadgets. They’re great, and I truly appreciate mine but I can’t help think that they can be a hindrance also since it can reduce social interaction — if you aren’t careful.

Interaction is very important in our household, and so I make that time. Yes, sacrifices have to be made on my part, but it’s worth the effort.

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That DOES sound like FUN! It’s been YEARS since I have played with Playdough! Neat!
Jennifer recently posted..Vegan Russian Universal Sauce, Co-Op Cafe Foods, Winner, & Chocolate Crave

curls and q

Q – A fond memory for me is making play dough with my grandma who was a first grade teacher – this was back in the 50’s! Totally magic. I don’t even know if commercial play-dough was made then. 😎
curls and q recently posted..The Shawl is Done!


I used to buy Play Doh from Toys R’us for my girl when she was small…but I saw my Kiwi sister-in-law in New Zealand making her own for her kids. Certainly saves a lot of money…and it all boils down to the same thing, anyway.
suituapui recently posted..Express yourself…