The past few weeks have been extremely busy, thankfully things are starting to slow down for myself, and so I’ll be posting a bit more. Last week, my daughter and I went to a local wheelchair basketball game. The team is called the Baltimore Ravens, they’ve been around longer than the NFL football, Baltimore Ravens, that shares the same name. The Baltimore Ravens are in gold.
I’d met the executive director of the Maryland Ravens, Edward Diggs, a week before, and had a chance to chat with him, in length, about this nonprofit organization. This nonprofit organization was created in the 1970’s. My daughter and I had a lot of fun at the basketball game, and we’re hoping to attend a few more before the season is over.
What a great message they’re sending.. abilities despite disabilities!
It’s cool that some people are able to get past their disabilities.
Mike recently posted..Trail to Delicate Arch
Hi @Mike,
Agreed, I enjoyed the game. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Know your worth: Harlan Ellison — Pay the Writer
Once I had seen a wheelchair basketball game, too, and I have to say that it’s really incredible what these guys can do! I’ve always wondered about these people who do class A sports although they are handicapped.
Emilia recently implants
It’s impressive to watch them. Depite their disablities they are still doing what they love. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Photography: Hanging with my favorite person
These guys have got the most willpower on the planet! They not only accept their disabilities, but they wants to be the best and they fight for it! Maximum respect to them.
Julia recently posted..tooth crown
Agreed, watching them was inspiring!
Aynaria recently posted..What is SOPA and PIPA? How it could this bill change your internet experience (if passed).
I am really impressed about these player who does have physical illness, it proves that even though they have their problem , they can still do things that they want. for example this basketball , I admire their courage in showing their full effort playing this game.
Kate Brown Wilson recently posted..שליחת SMS
@Kate Brown Wilson, That’s an important lesson to take from it. At times, I think many of us sit back and complain about our limitations. It’s important to be thankful for what was given to us, and make the most of it — just like these players.
Aynaria recently posted..Noodles and veggies in spicy garlic sauce
Wheelchair Basketball is gaining more and more popularity and rightfully-so! This is wonderful! I think the pics are great, too!!!
Jennifer recently posted..More RSC Past Projects – Even a LO!
Thanks @Jennifer,
I should have brought a flash, since quite a few of these turned out dark. However, I played around with some of them in my photo editor.
Aynaria recently posted..What is SOPA and PIPA? How it could this bill change your internet experience (if passed).
i wanted to join a wheelchair basket ball game but i didn’t because i felt like the other players might think bad of me.
lewis recently posted..Stupid IT Support Requests
Hi @lewis,
You might be able too, occasionally wheelchair basketball teams (such as this one) will compete against those that don’t need a wheelchair. They do have to be in a wheelchair for the game, it gives those without this disability a chance to see some of the challenges that they face, and I’m sure it make them appreciate the fact that they do have functioning legs.
Aynaria recently posted..What is SOPA and PIPA? How it could this bill change your internet experience (if passed).
It’s cool,This pictures shows that having a disability can’t stop you for what you believe.
Angel Collins recently posted..OSHA Says GHS Coming Shortly, Dr. Michaels Talks 2013 Budget
@Angel Collins,
I agree! 🙂
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[…] year my daughter and I were able to attend one of Maryland Ravens game. They’ve been around much longer than the professional team, the Baltimore Ravens but they […]