I truly enjoy eating simple meals, the past week or so I’ve been consuming a lot of raw broccoli.
With the above dish I added a tiny amount of a homemade spicy ginger sauce to the broccoli. That was great too. But this broccoli was so sweet and delicious I didn’t use much. I only sprinkled the sauce on a few pieces.
Pink grapefruit is another favorite and something that I enjoy eating plain. I enjoy the bitter sweetness of the grapefruit and make sure I eat it a several times each month.
Brilliant! Simple! Flavorful! Lovely! Living Foods! YUM! I know it’s very common to use Lemon and Lime Juice as flavoring but I think more of us should use Grapefruit (among other things!) I think I will start trying this very soon…using Grapefruit Juice, that is 🙂
Jennifer recently posted..Blissful Dehydrating Journey ~ Dried CHIPS ~ 3 ways!
@Jennifer, I love grapefruit, I eat it often and use the juice in a variety of dishes. 🙂
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