I love knitted washcloths. The cloths featured in this post are made from cotton. They are thick, exfoliating, absorbent and extremely soft. I like them a lot better than terry washcloths.
Knit two washcloths/dishcloths weekly?
Since I now have so much cotton yarn, I really have no excuse not to honor my commitment of making to handmade cloths (washcloth or dishcloth) per week, right?
Last week, I mentioned that I would attempt to make a minimum of two washcloths per week.
If you’re wondering if I achieved that goal last week the answer would be yes. In fact, I knitted five. Yeah… that’s right three more than than the minimum amount. Two don’t count count towards our stash since they were gifts for a co-worker. I was her Secret Santa. By the way, she loved them! I also gave her a American Express gift card, chocolate covered pretzels, and some honey from out beehive.
I was thrilled that I was able to knit five. It showed that even with my busy schedule, sneaking in moments here and there to knit a few rows is doable.

You see the knitted facecloth on top? The yellow and lime green? I call that my “craptastic” washcloth. I remember my mother had a dishtowel like that when I was a child. I hated those colors together! Why I felt the urge to knit an almost exact replica (in knitted form) is something I’m still questioning.

I’ve given myself a bit of leniency with the two washcloth per week rule. If I make more than two washcloths per week, the extra can carry over until the next week in case I get super busy. Currently, I’m ahead of the game, since I’ve already knitted two washcloths this week. Remember I really only had to make one, since one knitted washcloth carried over from last week. I’ll be featuring the washcloths I made this week in an advanced post that’s scheduled to be published over the weekend. Now you know, I’ll have to include some woven washcloths into the mix, right? Knitting can’t have all the fun! Since I’ll be learning weaving, I’ve decided that loom woven washcloths can also be included since they are handmade after all. After I work out the kinks and get fairly decent at using my 32″ Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom, I’ll be setting up my loom and weaving a few of these lovely spa washcloths.
I love the texture and the style of the hemp washcloths featured in the above video. Initially, I believe I’ll try weaving this in cotton since I have that in abundance, afterwards I’ll move on to hemp and perhaps I’ll add bamboo to the mix too.
WOW! That’s great! 5!!! Nice! They look nice!
Jennifer recently posted..Blissful Dehydrating Journey ~ Dried CHIPS ~ 3 ways!
Thanks @Jennifer, I’ve had fun making them. I’m working on another one, hopefully I’ll finish knitting it today. We’ll see, it’s been a busy week.
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