Time to clean; steam mop

Hoover Twin Action steam mopThings don’t stay dirty in our house for long…

Clothes are washed a few times weekly.  I have daily/weekly household chores and my daughter has some chores also. She’s nine years old, she definitely old enough to have some tasks. Sure I stay busy with everything going on in my life, but I manage to squeeze in general household maintenance also. Items have their place and it’s not on the floor.

For the past few years I’ve casually looked at steam mops for hard floors. I’ve always been fascinated with steam for disinfecting purpose but didn’t get the urge to purchase one until about a week ago.

This morning I ordered the Hoover TwinTank Disinfecting Steam Mop. I ordered it from Amazon, so it should be here quickly. I must say that this will  be a step up from how I normally clean floors; using water as hot as I could stand and a mop to clean my hardwood floors. I like the fact that chemicals aren’t needed to ensure that the floors are sterilized.

If I do use a floor cleaner it’ll be a natural solution that I make myself. I will admit that mopping is one of my least favorite activities but it’s a must since some of the hardwood floors in our house receive a lot of activity. If I can make the mopping experience more enjoyable… well that’s a good thing. Based on the numerous reviews I’ve read about this particular floor steamer I don’t think I’ll be disappointed. Once It gets a full workout from me, I’ll post a review about it on Celebrate Life.

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I’m very interested in this! Possibly for my kitchen floors! I have been using mops – HATE them! I have used the Magic Eraser push mop thing – don’t really like that either! I have had the best luck getting down on my hands and knees and scrubbing it with the Magic Eraser and towel drying it as I go! BUT…that takes a LONG time…grrrr!
Jennifer recently posted..Several Recipes & Foods From The Weekend!


Excellent! I’ll be looking forward to the reviews!
Jennifer recently posted..Several Recipes & Foods From The Weekend!