It looks like I’ll be designing costumes for our Lutheran Churches Passion Play in 2014.
The director contacted me to see if I was available and I said yes. As I told a friend/coworker if I knew last year, that my aunt would have been sick, I would not have volunteered to help. Not because I didn’t want to help, but there was so much going on that making time to sew those costumes took a lot of effort. It was a challenging time for our family and the last thing I wanted to do was to design and sew costumes, but I’d promised to create the costumes and I don’t like backing out of an obligation. Lord’s willing I won’t have the same issues as last year and I’ll be able to design and sew the costumes without any complications.
I’ve been wanting to sew something for several weeks and until now, my schedule has stepped in the way, but not today. I took the day off, so I could hang out with my daughter. We’ve had a blast! In a few hours, I’m planning to pull out one of my Brother sewing machines later today and doing something that I enjoy. Parent’s need time to do things they enjoy also.
Wow! It’s not even Christmas yet! But I guess it is good to start early and do it bit by bit – no last minute rush and all that. I would like it that too.
suituapui recently posted..Scrambled eggs…
@suituapui, Yes, I want to get them finished as quickly as possible. Of course, I’ll have to wait and see who receives the parts needed for the costumes. 🙂
Aynaria recently posted..Knitting: Finished items; knitted cowl and ribbed hat
I remember your projects and posts from last year! They are very lucky to have such a talented fiber artist on their team – looking forward to the posts this year, too!
Jennifer recently posted..The Chi & Me
@Jennifer, I’m looking forward to assisting this year.
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