Researching food slicers; Avantco 10″ Manual Gravity Feed Meat Slicer

avantco--manual-gravity-feed-meat-slicerIn my twenties, I thought about purchasing a food/meat slicer. As appealing at they were to me, at the time, it wasn’t really feasible since it was just myself and I honestly could not justify purchasing that item. Also, as a vegan, there really wasn’t a need for the slicer even though I loved what it did.

Fast forward to today, I’m still vegan, but my ten year old daughter isn’t. During the school year, I prepare the majority of her lunches. Processed foods aren’t in those lunches, since I’ve make the majority of her lunches.  Her lunches contain a variety of foods;   salads, eggrolls, soups, lunch meats, fruit smoothies and a whole host of other delicious foods.

Deli sandwiches come in handy, since those lunches are quick to prepare but making the slices ‘deli thin’ can be challenging at times. Because of this, I rarely put ‘deli style’ sandwiches in her lunch. But since I know my daughter loves those types of sandwiches, I’m finally warming up to the idea of acquiring my own meat slicer. I love the thought that preparing and slicing my own deli meats puts me in control of the entire process since I’ll know how the meat was prepared; I’d be cooking the meat myself. Additionally, my homemade deli meats won’t be loaded with all sorts of unnecessary junk (such as nitrates) that are common in many deli meats.

During my research, finding a ‘manual gravity fed meat slicer’, similar to the ones I see at my local deli was top priority. I found several reviews on forums, blogs and even stumbled upon an old vintage meat slicer on Chicky Chikita’s website. I saw a few of the vintage slicers she has on Ebay. I visited Chickita’s site for a little while. She’s vegan, a sewist, and does sewing machine embroidery and applique. It sure sounds like we have a few things in common.

Anyway… after hours of research, I do believe I found the perfect slicer for our home. It’s the Avantco 10″ Manual Gravity Feed Meat Slicer.

Some features of the Avantco 10″ Manual Gravity Feed Meat Slicer are…

  • Built-in sharpener
  • Easy cleanup
  • ETL Sanitation and ETL Listed

Within the next few weeks, I’ll purchase the meat slicer. It won’t take long for the meat slicer to pay for itself. Also, a meat slicer slices more than meats so I’m sure I’ll be using it to slice cheese and it’ll come in handy when slicing veggies for our homemade pizzas. Oh, and I know I’ll be purchasing raw beef-ribeye so I can thinly slice it to make Philly cheese steaks without the Cheez whiz. My daughter loves Philly Cheese steaks.

The Avantco,  is not as expensive as a Berkel or Hobart meat slicer, but it works similar to them, and the reviews for the Avantco are positive. Once I’ve purchased and used it, I’ll be sure to post my review about the product.


Of course… when I started thinking about meat slicers I could not help but remember the above Seinfeld episode.



  1. Environmental Protection Agency: Nitrates and Nitrites
  2. World Cancer Research Foundation:  Red and Processed Meats and Cancer Prevention
  3. World Cancer Research Foundation: Red and Processed Meat: Finding the Balance for Cancer Prevention
  4. The Institute for Natural Healing: Processed Meats Declared too Dangerous for Human Consumption



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Oooooo…that would be so handy, very useful and I would not have to wrestle with the meat using my very blunt knives ever time. 🙁
suituapui recently posted..Point of view…


I forgot about that episode!
I remember when I worked at a Fast Food Chain while exiting High School…it was a short lived job, thankfully, but we had to use the meat slicer. In PA…you have to be at least 18 to use one!
Jennifer recently posted..Blissful Art Journey ~ Mandalas


Speaking of Elaine…the best one was when she was TRYING to dance! LOL
Jennifer recently posted..It’s Been a HARD Hockey Season…


My favorite is Beswood with 10″ blade. Does any job easy and perfectly. Definitely aces my list 🙂